Programme SAP HFICSTS0 - HR-FI: Quarterly and annual statistics for hourly workers

Quarterly and Annual Statistics for Hourly Workers & Annual Statisticsfor Monthly Workers

The purpose of the program is to produce a statistics file that can besend to the trade unions or other demanding authorities. This reportprovides quarterly and annual statistics for hourly workers and annualand December statistics for monthly workers. It provides payrollspecific information selected using wage types defined insubapplication FIST (VC_T596A) , working time relevant information, andmaster data to produce the according statistics .
The results are filtered by employee, employee group, personnel area orpayroll area according to the values entered in the selection screen.The results of the statistic run are presented in a separate TemSefile.

To create statistics successfully:
Maintain the following info types:
Actions (0000)
Organisational assignment ( 0001)
Personal data ( 0002)
Planned working time (0007)
Basic pay (0008)
Contract elements (0016)
Finnish tax information (0205)
The payroll results relevant to statistics periods are required.
Assign the relevant wage types to cumulation wage types in asubapplication (Finnish statistics) FIST and customize them correctly.For more information see view cluster 'Statutory subapplications' (VC_T596A).

Depending on what salection fields are used, you can create lists on:
Personnel number, employee group, personnel area or payroll area.,,,,,,
Hourly or monthly workers
The year the statistics concerns
Additionally for hourly workers, the quarter of the year the statisticsconcerns.
December statistics for monthly workers are run together with annualstatistics.
Note: if no personnel number is selected, the program retrieves all thepersonal numbers due to selection.
The results are stored in a TemSe file, that is if the correspondingcheckbox is marked.

The report generates a list and TemSe file. Layout of the filestructure is according Confederation of Finnish Industry andEmployers (TT).