Programme SAP HCNCPHF0 - Public housing fund result screen list


The program displays the result of Public Housing Fund report.
When execute the report after filling the selection screen, it willshow the number of successful result and results with error.Double-click on the number field will lead to the detailed basic listfor successful results or error message list for results with error.
If you choose from selection options on the screen "Public housing fundresult screen list", you will get different information on the detailedbasic list for the report that runs successfully.
For example, if you
specify payroll area, time period, personnel number, personnel subarea,you can get employee(s) within these selection criteria and otherrelative information like name in Chinese, first working date etc.
mark the flag Sum up result, you can sum up the result of agroup of employees during one period.
choose the Contribution area/change reason, you display employee(s) within a certain contribution area whose contribution account hasbeen changed so in current period. For example, you choose "Transferin"as the change reason in contribution area "Beijing", the personnelnumber xxxxxxxx whose account has been transferred out will not bedisplayed in the successful result.
only input value into the field Contribution area, you displayemployee(s) within a certain contribution area.
Also for the report that runs successfully,

  • you can create an electronic file to your local PC.

  • Printout form

  • To print certain columns, you select columns which will not be printedby using the button Hide column/line under the list to removethem.