Programme SAP HBRUTMS5 - Display TemSe files

This report lets the user view the TemSe files created by thecorresponding programs within the module HR-Brazil.

A TemSe file must have been previously generated by a valuationprogram.

The program displays the contents of the fully formatted TemSe file.
The file is processed directly in the generation program output (forinstance: HBRREMAG) by pushing a button located on the output screen,if the user has selected the option for data medium output.
It is also possible to retrieve and view, in detail, the several typesof records that make up the file.
On the file display screen it is also possible to generate an MS-Word-or MS-Excel-type file, as well as to save it in data medium (Download).

1497982Ordinance 1620: Homolognet
1528076HBRUTMS5: Viewing XML TemSe Files
945787HBRCAGED: Record type C and X - Layout changes
818359Legal change in HBRDIRF0 for year 2005