Programme SAP HBRUQTG0 - Generate legal leave entitlement

This report generates legal leave entitlement.


  • You need to assign the selected employees to the country grouping of
  • Brazil.
    • The selected employees must be active at least one day within the
    • selected period.
      • An absence quota type must be selected as leave quota in table T7BRQT.
      • If no quota of this kind is selected, the legal leave entitlement willnot be generated. Is you select more than one, the system cancelsprocessing for the employee.
        • Absences that affect leave entitlement must be updated in table T7BR02.

        • Constant QUOT1 must be in table T511K with value 1,00 until the system's
        • current date. If this constant is not in the refered table or presentsanother value, the system will cancel processing for this employee.

          Consider the following rules to determine legal leave entitlement:
          From the start date of the acquisition period, 2,5 leave days will beadded to legal entitlement per each 15 days.
          When changes occur regarding the leave entitlement last determined, thechanges are executed in infotype Absence quota (2006).
          The sum of unjustified absences during an acquisition period (see tableT7BR02) can reduce legal leave entitlement of 30 days according to thefollowing table:
          between 6 and 14 days ,,: 24 days
          between 15 and 23 days,,: 18 days
          between 24 and 32 days,,: 12 days
          more than 32 days,,: 0 days
          The entitlement to an acquisition period can be completely loss ifcertain absences exceed a given number of days during the acquisitionperiod. In tables T7BR02 and T7BR01 you define which absences and fromhow many days the entitlement will be loss.
          The acquisition period can be extended due to certain absences, that canbe set in table T7BR02.
          The following special cases can occur:
          RESET N1
          An employee leaves the company of his own free will in the first year,with the risk of losing leave entitlement. The system generates theleave entitlement in this case. When the termination measure is run thisentitlement can not be paid with infotype Compensations (0416). In thiscase, the person responsable must decide if generated leave quota mustbe paid or not. The information on leave compensation must be enteredaccording to this decision.
          If the employee requests his dismissal from the company before heaccomplishes 1 year of work, i.e., dismissal request with less than 1year, and his readmission occurs within 60 days in the same acquisitionperiod (*), the following procedure must be adopted for the correctgeneration of his leave entitlement:
          Before quota generation, the infotype 0041 must have the same date inthe fields Start Date and End Date. This date must be the date of theemployee's readmission.
          2. In IT0041 the date type 37 must be created with the start date of theemployee's first acquisition period or with the date of his firstadmission.
          (*) In this case, the employee respects leave of the previous period anda new acquisition period must be generated by the system. The start dateof this new acquisition period will be considered from the end of thefirst acquisition period, plus the days the employee was absent due tohis dismissal.
          This procedure is only possible if the employee keeps the same personnelnumber. If the employee is admitted with a different personnel number(for example, if his readmission occurs in the same month), you mustadopt the following procedure:
          RESET N2
          Generate a quota with an absence quota type different from the legal forthe personnel number. This quota starts on the start date wished beforethe employee's admission and ends on the end date wished after theemployee's admission. The entry of start and end date, consession periodand entitlement is run manually.
          Go to infotype Date specifications (0041) with the date of readmissionand enter the date type assigned to date code 37 and specify the startdate you wish for the acquisition period together with this date type.This date is on day after end date of quota entered manually, i.e. afterdate of the employee's readmission.
          Leave days to be entered before the entitlement exists, will be removedfrom a quota selected in table T7BRQT (field TYPEA = '2'). This quotawill be considered in the formation of the next legal leave entitlementand reduces the corresponding entitlement.
          If the leave entitlement is odd, it is rounded to half day.
          For part-time employees, the leave entitlement per acquisition periodcan be reduced according to the following table:
          from 1 to 5 hours per week,,,,: 8 days
          from 6 to 10 hours per week,,,,: 10 days
          from 11 to 15 hours per week,,,,: 12 days
          from 16 to 20 hours per week,,,,: 14 days
          from 21 to 22 hours per week,,,,: 16 days
          from 23 to 25 hours per week,,,,: 18 days
          in case of more than 25 hours per week: 30 days
          In case of more than 7 days of unjustified absence, the leaveentitlement is reduced to half the days. If the unjustified absenceexceeds 32 days, the employee loses his entire leave entitlement. By theend of each acquisition month, the system determines if an employeeworks part-time according to field Part-time employee of infotype (0007)(P0007-WOSTD). The hours per week are determined from field Hours perweek of infotype Planned working type (0007) (P0007-WOSTD).
          Example: employee A is admitted on the 15.01 of a given year.Until the 30.06. of that same year, he works 20 hours per week, andafter that date, he work full time. His leave entitlement for the firstyear will be thus calculated:
          January,,: 14 days / 12 months ,,= 1,16667 (15.01-14.02)
          February,,: 14 days / 12 months ,,= 1,16667 (15.02-14.03)
          June ,,,,: 30 days / 12 months ,,= 2,50000 (15.06-14.07)
          December,,: 30 days / 12 months ,,= 2,50000 (15.12-14.01)
          Total leave days ,,,,,,= 23,33333, rounded to 23,5
          The month of June (5.06-14.07) is considered already as full time, sinceuntil the end of that month (14.07) the employee works full time. Thisway, the months 01 to 05 are part-time months, and the months 06 to 12are full time months.
          To reduce the leave entitlement for the part-time employee, table T511Kmust contain constant QUOT2 with the value 1,00.
          The absences, partially paid by SS, can be separated in two absences(the employer's part and the SS's part) or they can be entered in asingle absence. If they are entered in a single absence, the SS's partcan be removed for generation of the legal leave entitlement using thefield DEDAB of table T7BR02.
          For a military service, you must consider three cases:
          The employee is only absent during military service: this absence shouldbe created using only one absence type. In this case, the standard typeis 0370 "Military service".
          The employee is absent for the period of military service, plus anadditional maximum period of 90 days. This absence can be created eitherusing only one absence type for the total period (0370) or two absencetypes, being one for the military service (0370) and the other for theadditional maximum period of 90 days. The standard type for the secondabsence is 0375 "Period after Military Service".
          The employee is absent for the period of military service and for anadditional period of more than 90 days. In this case, it is necessary tocreate two absence types, one exclusively for military service (0370)and the other for the additional absence of 90 days (0375).
          Possible leave entitlements from previous admissions that must not beconsidered will be closed (i.e., the leave entitlement receives thededucted days) if:
          the leave entitlement starts before the last admission date and
          there is no date set infotype 0041 or the set date is after start dateof leave entitlement.
          The report can be run daily before time evaluation or for eachacquisition period before payroll. The most important is to run thereport before time evaluation or before payroll, so that it can beanalized in infotype Payroll status (0003).
          The report can be included in a process model together with payroll. Inthis case, the leave entitlement is determined until the end date of thepayroll period and saved. This way, the function for the calculation ofleave reserves can process the leave entitlement until the end of thepayroll period, and not only until the date of the payroll run.

          Besides the standard selection of the employee, it is still possible toselect the following options:

          • Start date and end date of the evaluation period: both values are
          • presented with the current date. If you delete the end date, the currentdate will be set again before running the selection of employees.
            • Database maintenance: you can select if a new quota entitlement must be
            • saved in the database.
              • Logging: you can decide if a log must be created. If the report is run
              • in background or in the process model, it is impossible to create a log.

                Variant SAP"A can be used in a process model.

                The report runs always an overview of:

                • number of selected employees,

                • number of employees without errors,

                • number of employees with notice,

                • number of employees with errors.

                • If you select the field corresponding to the log format in the selectiontable, the system will format an additional log.

557106New Quota Generation