Programme SAP HBRSEF00 - FGTS Collect Company System and Social Welfare Information - FCSWI 4.0

This report creates a TemSe file that will later be used to issue thefollowing legal documents:

  • Guide of Collect of Length of Service Guarantee Fund and Social Welfare
  • Information - GFWI
    • Guide of Collect of Social Welfare - GCSW.

    • The following information must be available from the selection screen:
      General data
      Company class
      Centralization code
      Type of company registration
      Collect code
      FGTS collect indicator (on time or in arrears)
      Social Welfare collect indicator (on time or in arrears)
      Indicator of option by collection of INSTMSC (Integrated System of TaxPayment and Contributions of Micro and Small Sized companies)
      GSW payment indicator

      Customizing of the following sections of the implementation guide (IMG):
      Personnel Administration --> Personnel Administration --> Internaland contract agreements --> Contract components --> Maintain Brazilian Job Occupation Code - BJOC
      Payroll --> Payroll Brazil --> Length of Service Guarantee Fund -FGTS --> Maintain FGTS movement code for FCSWI
      Payroll --> Payroll Brazil --> Length of Service Guarantee Fund -FGTS --> Maintain worker's category code forFCSWI.
      Payroll --> Payroll Brazil --> Length of Service Guarantee Fund -FGTS --> Maintain worker's return code forFCSWI.
      For the collect code 904 to be filled in, the competence date specifiedin the selection screen can not be later than October 1998.
      This report reads the branch and construction site information stored inthe table of cluster BRCGC byfunction BRCGC.Therefore, it is important that this function is not eliminated from thecalculation schema.
      If the codes 650 and 660 are selected in the tab Collect code,you must inform the reasons for retroactive accounting that areconsidered as dissension in the field Retroactive accounting reason
      . In this case, the payroll will only consider the retroactiveaccountings with the given reasons.


      • To display and export the TemSe file, run the program
      • Show TemSe files (HBRUTMS5).
        • If necessary, the system issues an error list after running this report.

1116763HBRSEF00: validation error with especial characters
1037157HR-BR: General enhancements
831275SEFIP: collective agreement and other enhancements
875109SEFIP: code updates
920095HBRGPS00 & HBRSEF00: Compensation - New functionality
913024HBRSEF00 8.0 fixes
545036New design of Social Security