Programme SAP HBRPIS00 - SIP - program for processing archive cash office SIP company

Report HBRPIS00 reads the SIP archive (Social Integration Program) indata medium elaborated by the legal authorities and generates a newarchive for batch input.
This archive in batch input loads in Additional payments(Infotype 15) the value relative to the SIP of every employee.
The following data should be informed in the selection screen:
Company and employee information
Options for data maintenance
Execution options
Validate agreement archive - This archive comes from the cashoffice and is validated by the company. For that purpose, the companychecks in this archive which employees will receive the bonus in thecompany, that is, it checks if the employee was or will be dismissedbefore the payment of the bonus.
Exec. Batch Input 'Resources' - After validating the agreementarchive, the company processes this archive in the program SXPIS,developed by the cash office. This program generates a new archivecontains all employees that will receive the SIP bonus in the company´spayroll. This option creates the values for each employee in infotype15.
Test Batch Input online - executes the same process described inthe item above, but if the user has ran HBRPIS00, the confirmation willbe performed manually for every employee included in infotype 15.
Archive information
Indicates the name of the archive, the wage type and the dismissal date(test).
Options for online execution
If the user selects "Test Batch Input online", they will also have tochoose between "Display screens, Not display screens orDisplays only errors".
The changes do not became effective in the data base.
If an error is detected, the execution of this report is interrupted.

Infotipo 15 loaded with the value of the SIP for every employee, if theselected option is Exec. Batch Input 'Resources'.