Programme SAP HBRFICHA - Employee Tab Page

This program is used to run the report "Employee tab page" and toassign a sequential number of the report to each employee.
This report is printed via a form defined in SAPscript.

Before running this report, you must:

  • Specify the branch number and the company code in the IMG step:
  • Payroll -> Legal forms -> Employee tab page ->Update branch number and company to sequentialnumber so that the next sequential number of the report isassigned to the employee according to the branch and the company wherethe employee is registered.
    • Specify the IBGE code for the Government in the IMG step: Payroll
    • -> Legal forms -> Employee tab page -> Define IBGEcode if you want this information to be displayed in the report.
      • Specify which absences are regarded as legal absences in the IMG step:

      • Payroll -> Legal forms -> Employee tab page ->
      • Specify type of absence.
        • If you wish to change or continue the description of Paid Weekly Rest
        • and Work Schedule to better suit it to the output format userespectively, the following IMG steps: Payroll -> Day processing ofperiod data -> Day processing functions -> Read period data ->Read planned working time from work scheduleand Define working week
          • Run the payroll to get the amount of wage type
          • /101 whose valueis used in the field Remuneration of the report.
            • If the field Training, on the selection screen, is not selected,
            • the report searches the events module to find all the trainingsattended by the employee. If the field Training is selected, oprogram searches only for training events that are relevant for theemployee's job. For this, it is necessary to group the trainings incertain types of events. These can be assigned to a function viatransaction PP01 (Maintenance of organizational management) and PSV2(Dynamic menu of events).
              Note: The report only takes into account the full period that anemployee spends in a branch.

              Form "Employee tab page" (HR_BR_FICHA_REG1 or another customizedSAPScript form).
              The first page of the report has a fixed format. The format of thefollowing pages is variable, depending on the information available.

              See also
              Payroll -> Legal forms -> Employee tab page ->
              Update branch number and company to sequentialnumber
              Specify type of absence
              View/Change tab page
              Update types of entries in infotype 0185
              Process personal documents