Programme SAP HBRCONV185 - Conversionn routine for Documents Infotype

The routine HBRCONV185 converts the data stored in infotype Personal IDs - IT0185 (or in any other customer's documentsinfotype) into the infotype Documents - IT0465.


  • The routine converts the data of the employees selected in the selction
  • screen into batch input.
    • For documents that allow more than one entry, the routine converts all
    • the entries into IT0465.
      • For documents stored in more than one subtype derived from IT0185, the
      • routine converts only the last subtype into IT0465.
        • Entries locked in the IT0185 are not cenverted into IT0465, and are
        • specified in the output table, under "entries locked in IT0185".
          NOTE: This program's conversion routine (HBRCONVFCT) can be usedas an example to be customized and convert documents stored in customerinfotypes, such as IT9185.

          The routine generates the following information on the output screen,after the batch input processing:

          • Personnel no.

          • Name of employee or applicant

          • Entries to be deleted in IT0465

          • Entries to be added to IT0465

          • Entries locked in IT0185

          • NOTE: For documents that allow more than one entry (such as SPR), onlythe latest entry is taken into account by the report that use thisinformation (such as GREU or Normative Instruction).