Programme SAP HBRCMLI9 - Cash breakdown list

This report creates a currency list per period, personnel number andpayroll area selected. The elements of this currency list are:
a frontispiece for each company section, a currency and bank notes listand respective numbers for wage payment in cash, a list of payments andalso a list of signatures
a list of totals for each company section, plant, company and country
an error list with personnel numbers whose amounts could not be found
This report checks to see if companies can be found in differentcountries and, if so, it automatically selects the correspondingcurrency unit.
Coins and bank notes are stored in table 520M for each currency unit.The following data is important:
Country grouping (Molga)
Company section
Net amount wage type parameter
Here you can insert a wage type from which all payroll amounts are readand where the currency list is created. If you whish to use currencylist for wage payment in cash, the default value is "/557".

Report HBRCMLI9 is internally run and can not be run as an independentreport. If that happens, the run is canceled and an error message willbe created.
The main program of this report is the international report RPCMLI09.