Programme SAP HBRCKTO0 - Payroll accounts

This report creates monthly declaration for payroll results.

The following selection criteria must be set in selection screen:

  • Usual data for people selection

  • Form to be used

  • Limitation criteria sequence
  • Output
    The number of periods shown are determined using data selection period(for example, 'other period', 'current year'). The number of periodsper payroll can be set using parameter 'number of columns per page '.
    During monthly declaration of payroll results, wage types are edited inindividual 'sections' that can be classified according to differentcriteria.
    According to the criteria defined in the selection screen, it ispossible to edit, in a special column, the sum or average for each wagetype .
    It is also possible to select a detailed display for each columnassigned to a period (remuneration statement).