This program generates the electronic report FGTS Guide of CollectTermination (FCG) that is used to collect, in the employee'saccounts, the amounts regarding the Severance Premium Reserve Fund(FGTS), that is:

  • Remuneration of the month previous to the termination

  • Remuneration of the termination month

  • Paid notice period

  • Termination fine in case of dismissal without justified cause ou
  • reciprocal guilt

    Before running the program, you should customize IMG activityCustomize field Withdrawal code.
    Some records of FCG report are optional. If your company wants toexecute the report with these records, they should be customized throughBusiness Add-Ins (BAdI). The following BAdIs are available:

    • Fill in record 41. This record contains
    • financial information about the Termination Term.
      • Fill in record 42. This record contains
      • complementary information to record 41.
        • Fill in record 43. This record contains
        • information about not collected competences.
          • Fill in record 44. This record contains
          • information about collected and not processed competences.
            • Fill in record 45. This record contains
            • information about collected and not individualized competences.

              In the program selection screen, you should specify general informationabout the company for which the report is being generated. Furthermore,you should specify the following information:

              • Date on which FGTS was collected.

              • If the company opted ou not by the INSTMSC, Integrated System of Tax
              • Payments and Contributions of Micro and Small Sized companies.
                • If the report will be generated again due to calculation generated by
                • retroactive salary adjustments.

                  The program collects information contained in the payroll and generatesa TemSe record. This record can be displayed in the program Displayof TemSe records. Follow the path below to access this program:
                  SAP Easy Access > SAP Menu > Personnel
                  Payroll > America > Brazil
                  Subsequent activities > Annual > TemSe Viewer
                  Select option Download in order to generate the report in thelayout predefined by CAIXA (Federal Bank). The CAIXA Social Connectivitysystem only accepts records saved with the name GRRF.RE.

1230400HBRCGRRF: Date Fields on Selection Screen
1096367Documentation for the GRRF (HBRCGRRF) report
1009293New electronic file GRRF