Programme SAP HBRCCED0 - Income Declaration

This report is used to run the document "Statement of Paid Income andWithholding Tax", issued every year by the employer.

The following fields must be filled in:
Organizational assignment (0001),,Employee group
,,,,,,Employee subgroups
,,,,,,Organizational unit
Personal data (0002),,,,,,Name
Planned working time (0007),,Work schedule rule
Family/related person (0021),,Full name
Dependents (0397),,,,,,Dependent's SPR
Personal IDs (0185),,,,,,ID no.
The wage types that are relevant for this report are flagged withevaluation class 07
and the following specifications:
01 Private welfare
02 Allowance
03 Gains for older than 65
04 Gains by disability
05 Calculated profit
06 Income distribution
07 Medical assistance
08 Alimony
09 Basis for WIT
10 Basis for Christmas allowance WIT
11 Amount for WIT
12 Amount for Christmas allowance WIT
13 Amount for SIB
14 Amount for Christmas allowance SIB
15 Child allowance
16 Others
17 Severance pay
18 Alimony regarding Christmas allowance
19 Difference from medical expenses
In case of reversal, the wage types that store the amount reversed mustbe flagged withevaluation class 15
(specification D), in addition to evaluation class 07 and itsspecifications.

This report is printed via a form defined in SAPscript. The print pagecontains data on the paying source and the beneficiary, as well asstatistical data about the taxable and non-taxable annual income.
This program also creates a file to be imported by the WITD program,which is supplied by the Federal Revenue.

1527811DIRF 2010 - Instrução Normativa Nº 1.033
1536216DIRF and Tax Income Declaration enhancements in 4.6C
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