Programme SAP HARLIBR1 - Legal Payroll Payments Book: Law 20.744 Art.52 - SapScripts version

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This report is used to print Legal book 20.744 monthly. The print run iscarried out using the formula described in en SAPscript.

The wage types to be displayed in the Legal Book are determined usingthe Implementation Guide, section Payroll Argentina -> Lists ->Legal Payroll Payment Book 20,744 Art. 52->Define wage types for Legal Payroll Payment Book20,744.
Only the wage types set in this activity of the implementation guidecan be used to print the Legal Payroll Payments Book.

In each print out page, the header is first formatted with the employerdata. Then the data for the selected month is formatted for eachemployee.
Different payroll periods that an employee could have within a singlemonth are formatted separately.
If within a payroll period, an employee changes the type of contract toa 'Probationary Contract', the result corresponidng to the"Probationary Contract" is formatted separately form resultscorresponding to other contract types.

An employee is paid every 15 days. On the 20th of one month she/hechanges from the contract type 'Probationary Contract' to a 'Fixedcontract' contract type.
In this case the employee has two payroll results. However, in theLegal Payroll Payments Book three results are formatted. The firstresult corresponds to the first 15 days of the period; the second tothe wage types for the second period that are assigned to the'Probationary Contract' contract type, and the third, to the wage typesthat are assigned to all the remaining contract types in the secondperiod.
You also edit the off-cycle payroll runs separately.