Programme SAP HARCVAC0 - Off-cycle payroll run for vacation payment

Via this report you can run an off-cycle payroll. This run allows youto calculate the payment of leave days before the employee takesvacation or else recalculate a leave payment already paid. If you runthis report online, you obtain a list of all employees who are absentin the specified period according to the introduced selection options.
On the selection screen of the report, you can select:
Leave still to be calculated,
Leave calculated with the same off-cycle payroll run data shown on theselection screen, or
Both of the above options.
The off-cycle payroll run data which must be shown on the screen is:
The payment date for the off-cycle payroll run: Three radio buttonsindicate three possibilities for doing this. The payment date you enterhere will apply to all the records selected by this report.
Reason for the off-cycle payroll run and the Payroll identifier. Werecommend you always use the Payroll identifier "V" for the Reason foroff-cycle payroll run "V001".
In this manner the Payroll identifier can be related easily to Reasonfor Off-cycle Payroll run. This in its turn is convenient for:
Differentiating several off-cycle payroll runs on the same date,
Avoiding the possibility of error on assigning the same PayrollIdentifier to two different off-cycle payrolls run on the same date.
You can also specify variants for the remuneration statement (Reportvariant HARCEDT0). These variants allow you to use your own values foreach one of the runs.
On sending this report, the HARCALC0 report is run and if the payrollrun is successful, it records the off-cycle payroll run data foradvance payment of leave in the infotype 2001. This data is: the dateof the off-cycle payroll run, the Payroll Identifier, the payroll typeand the reason for the off-cycle payroll run.

In the list obtained from executing this report you can view theAbsence start date. This is the reference date for executing theoff-cycle payroll run. You generally take the start of the absence asreference.
The Payment date is the one entered in the report selection screen.
You can flag the records presented by the list. Using the function key"Execute process", you execute the off-cycle payroll run for theselected record.
The function key "Test/View log" allows you to execute the off-cyclepayroll run in test mode and obtain a log of the same.
The function key "Test/Without log" allows you to run the off-cyclepayroll in test mode and without obtaining a log for the same. You canthen display the corresponding remuneration statement to controlresults and save processing times.
After executing the off-cycle payroll run you view an icon in thecorresponding column which specifies whether the payroll run has beensuccessful or not.
If, for an employee, you must run an off-cycle payroll whose paymentdate is later than the payment date of the regular payroll run in theperiod in which the the absence starts, the payment date of theoff-cycle payroll run is activated on the payment date of the regularpayroll run of the period.
If the start date of an absence is within a previously settled period,this absence is marked as already deducted.
In background processing, the records are deducted automatically.
If after executing this report, you wish to perform a bank transferand/ or transfer the results obtained to FI/CO, there are two mannersof achieving it. You can find both possibilities in the PayrollAccounting menu:
Through the Payroll menu-> Transfer
Through the menu Off-cycle Payroll Run-> OC Batch: Payrollcontinuation. This possibility allows you to use the HR process model.In this case, you must specify the model identifier SAPAROC and thecorresponding personnel numbers.