Programme SAP HARCSIR0 - Personnel count for SIJP

This report generates a list of employees whose benefit of contributionreduction agrees with version 14 of SIJP list.
This new version of SIJP controls the staff, so that the amount ofemployees that do not enjoy the contribution reduction set by therules, is never lower than the base amount given on April 2000. Whenthe amount of employees is lower than the base amount, SIJP does notallow the issuing of Tax declaration.

This report should be carried out before starting a massive payroll.Thus, it is guaranteed that the employees listed in this report are theones entitled to the benefit of contribution reduction.

The list generated by this report presents the following data:
Total of employees in period and amount of employees that increase thestaff. The whole staff is set according to the criterion established inSIJP handbook in its version 14.
Number of personnel
Name of employee
Type of contract
Contract method
Employee groupings to contribute to Social Insurance (column New EE):This data comes from infotype Social Insurance (0392).
Employee starting month: Determined from the starting date.
Amount of family members: Determined with the same criterion as set bySIJP.
The criterion to fulfill this data is indicated in law 586/2000, withpriority to keep the personnel base number to April 2000.

Control procedure
To carry out the control it is necessary to perform the followingsteps:
Start report HARCSIR0 before starting payroll for the same period.
Check whether the difference between the whole staff and the amount ofpersonnel that increase the staff is lower than the staff on April2000.
If the difference is lower than the staff on April 2000:
Change the assignment to the employee reduction regime needed to reachthe staff on April 2000. Thus, delete the entries carried out in fieldEmployee grouping for Social Insurance of infotype Social Insurance(0392), so that is content remains blank.
Start again HARCSIR0.
Carry out the payroll for this period.
So when starting this report HARCDGI0, there will be no rejections ofTax declaration due to the amount of employees.