Programme SAP HARCSIAR - Generation of employee declarations - Version 30

This report generates a TemSe file by Company Code for issuing EmployeeDeclarations (DGI-SIJP), and a printable support list for checking them.
The Month and Year for which the report is being run can be entered inthe report selection screen. Due to the nature of Employee Declarations,the system proposes the month prior to the current one according to thesystem date, but this date can be overwritten.
If nothing is entered in the Company Code selection option, the reportwill be run for all existing Company Codes, and the system will generatea TemSe file name.
The system automatically activates employment status ' 0 (deregisteredemployees)' and ' 3 (active employees)'.
If Non-deductible Credits are flagged in the Total Remunerationcheckbox, the Total Remuneration column of the report will includenon-deductible credits received by the employee.
The Company Type field allows a different company type to be enteredeach time the report is run. The value entered in this field will beallocated to all Company Codes for which the report is run.
This is only recommended if working with Company Codes corresponding todifferent company types, in a single client. If you work with only onecompany type, we recommend setting this (single) type using theImplementation Guide, under Payroll Argentina -> Lists -> SIJP ->Define company type for SIJP. The value set through theImplementation Guide will be displayed by default in this selectionscreen field.

The support list contains detailed data by employee. This report selectsall employees who have received payment within the period indicated.
The list includes, among others, the following columns:
SI additional contr. percentage (%adSI): obtained from wage type /SI1.For employees in the Distribution Scheme, this field will show anadditional 6%.
Total remuneration (Total rem.): gross sum paid to the employee, withoutdeductions. The sum of wage types corresponding to remunerations (/102,/104 y /115), monetary payments (/105) and maternity (/121).
This column may also include the SIJP Non-deductible Credits wage type(/124), depending on whether the corresponding selection screen checkboxhas been flagged or not.
For more information about the cumulation of non-deductible credits inthe Non-deductible Credits wage type (/124), see the ImplementationGuide, under Payroll Argentina -> Lists -> SIJP: IntegratedRetirement and Pension Scheme ->Define cumulationof non-deductible credits for SIJP.
Remuneration 1: tax basis used to calculate employee contributions toSIJP and INSSJP. Consists of the sum of wage types /380, /381, /382 and/383.
Remuneration 2: Tax basis used to calculate employer contributions toSIJP and INSSJP. Made up of the sum of wage types /384, /396, /397 and/398.
Remuneration 3: Tax basis for calculating employer contributions toFamily Allowance and the National Employment Fund. Made up of the sum ofwage types /384, /396, /397 and /398.
Remuneration 4: tax basis for calculating employee contributions to theWelfare Funds and ANSSAL, and employer contributions to Welfare Funds,ANSSAL and the Welfare Fund additional amount. It is the sum of wagetypes /380, /381, /382 and /383.
Voluntary employee contributions to AFJP, through the company(Vol.ret.C.): the sum of wage types /328 and /329.
Family Allowance (Fam.Allow.): the sum of wage types corresponding toFamily Allowance (/F03, /F04, /F05 and /F09; /F06, /F07, /F08, /F11; and/F13, /F14, /F15 and /F19, for direct payment) and maternity (/121).
If additional wage types for family allowance have been created, theymay also be included in this column, as long as these new wage typescumulate in the Total Family Allowance wage type (/125). For moreinformation about this cumulation, see the Implementation Guide, underPayroll Argentina -> Lists -> SIJP: Integrated Retirement andPension Scheme ->Define cumulation of familyallowance for SIJP.
Welfare Fund additional amount (WF addnl amt): obtained from wage type/SI2.
SI contribution surplus (SI contr.surpl.): obtained from wage type /SI3.
WF contribution surplus (WF contr.surpl.): obtained from wage type /SI4.
Reduction marker: for CUILs belonging to special CUITs.
Recomposition funds: amount of employee contributions to SIJP, unpaid,when the employee was absent due to a provisional total permanent workincapacity.
Company type: identifies the employer type, according to AFIP values.
Additional Welfare Fund contribution: amount reported for the purposesof art.8 of decree 492/95. it is obtained from wage types /348 and /358.
Retirement category: indicates the retirement scheme chosen by theemployee. The value "0" corresponds to employees who are not retired andhave chosen the Capitalization Scheme. The value "1" corresponds toemployees in the Distribution Scheme, and retired employees. Reviewsituations 1 - 3: the first three review situations of the calendarmonth are reported in these fields.
Start date review situations 1 - 3: the first day of the month on whichthe employee is in the corresponding review situation. Salary + Extras:obtained from the sum of the following wage types: /102 + /105 - /128 -/129. If the total is greater than the MOFRE limit, the value of theMOFRE limit will be used.
SAC (annual statutory bonus): taken from the sum of wage types /383corresponding to the calendar month.
Overtime: this amount and number are obtained from wage type /128. Forinformation about setting this wage type, see the Implementation Guide,under Payroll Argentina -> Lists -> SIJP: Integrated Retirement andPension Scheme -> Define cumulation of wage types for overtime.
The amount corresponding to overtime is only reported in this field ifthe sum of the "Salary and Extras" wage types plus the "DisadvantagedArea Extr Payment" wage type is less than the MOPRE limit defined forthis purpose.
Disadvantaged Area Extra Payment: obtained from wage type /129. Forinformation about setting this wage type, see the Implementation Guide,under Payroll Argentina -> Lists -> SIJP: Integrated Retirement andPension Scheme -> Define cumulation of wage types for disadvantaged areaextra payment. Information is only reported in this field if the"Salaries and Extras" amount is less than the MOPRE limit defined forthis purpose.
Leave: taken from the sum of wage types /381 corresponding to thecalendar month.
Number of days worked: The number of days that the employee was in awork relationship with the company, not counting those on which saidrelationship was interrupted fue to the following circumstances: leavewithout entitlement to credits, suspended with position held in reserve,dismissal, etc.
Taxable remuneration 5: taken from wage type /127. Represents thecumulated amount of maintenance allowance as per decree 1273/02.
Worker covered by Pay Scale: the value '0' indicates a non-pay scaleemployee; the value '1' indicates that the employee is covered by a payscale collective agreement.
Taxable remuneration 6: this remuneration refers to national,provincial, state or private teaching staff and science and technologyresearchers covered by decree 137/05 and 160/05. The value '0' isreported in this filed.
Operation type: a '0' is also reported in this field.
Extras: this amount is obtained from wage type /135
Bonuses: this amount is obtained from wage type /136
Remun. Dec. 788/05: a zero is reported in this field.
Taxable remuneration 7: a zero is reported in this field.
For Scholarship or National Program for Work Experience d.340/92 hiringmethods, the Welfare Fund and Family Allowance fields will be filledwith zero.
If an employee has been deregistered and a subsequent adjustment payrollin a period after the deregistration shows that he or she has receivednon-deductible credits during the period, this employee will be reportedwith situation code 6.
If there is a change of Legal Person for an employee within the periodindicated, this employee will be included in the two lists correspondingto each of the two Legal Persons.
Employees are ordered in ascending order of their CUIL numbers. In thefirst column a sequence number is given to each employee, starting from1 for each Company Code.
The final line of the list contains the totals of all selected employeesby Company Code. These totals are the sum of the corresponding columns.
Following this list, the totals in Food vouchers/boxes, the fixed amountper employee for ART and the percentage on total wage for ART are alsoindicated.
The support list includes a header by Company Code, indicating the LegalPerson, Company Code, Month and Year, TemSe file name and issue time forwhich the report was run.
Once the report has been run, a list of any errors that may haveoccurred while running the report can be issued by activating thecorresponding pushbutton on the list screen.

The design data for the ASCII file generated from this report isdescribed below. This design data must be defined in the tax authority(DGI) system before importing results for the first time:
Field,,,,,,Start (column),,,,,,Size (spaces)
Surname and name,,,,,,12,,,,,,30
Number of children,,,,,,43,,,,,, 2
Situation code,,,,,,45,,,,,,2
Condition code,,,,,,47,,,,,,2
Activity code,,,,,,49,,,,,,2
Zone code,,,,,,51,,,,,,2
Additional percentage (S),,,,,,3,,,,,,5
Hiring method code,,,,,,58,,,,,,3
Welfare Fund code,,,,,,61,,,,,,6
Number of Next of Kin,,,,,,67,,,,,,2
Total remuneration,,,,,,69,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration,,,,,,78,,,,,,9
Family allowance amt,,,,,,87,,,,,,9
Voluntary contr.,,,,,,96,,,,,,9
Additional amount (WF),,,,,,105,,,,,, 9
Soc.Ins. surplus,,,,,,114,,,,,,9
Welfare Fund surplus,,,,,,123,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration 2,,,,,,182,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration 3,,,,,,191,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration 4,,,,,,200,,,,,,9
Claimant code,,,,,,209,,,,,,2
Reduction marker,,,,,,211,,,,,,1
LRT recomposition funds,,,,,,212,,,,,,9
Company type,,,,,,221,,,,,,1
WF addnl contribution,,,,,,222,,,,,,9
Retirement category,,,,,,231,,,,,,1
Review situation 1,,,,,,232,,,,,,2
Start date review. sit. 1,,,,,,234,,,,,,2
Review situation 2,,,,,,236,,,,,,2
Start date review sit. 2,,,,,,238,,,,,,2
Review situation 3,,,,,,240,,,,,,2
Start date review sit. 3,,,,,,242,,,,,,2
Salary + Extras,,,,,,244,,,,,,9
Disadvantaged area,,,,,,271,,,,,,9
Number of days worked,,,,,,289,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration 5 ,,,,,,298,,,,,,9
Worker cov. by pay scale,,,,,,307,,,,,,1
Taxable remuneration 6 ,,,,,,308,,,,,,9
Operation type,,,,,,317,,,,,,1
Extras ,,,,,,318,,,,,,9
Bonuses ,,,,,,327,,,,,,9
Remuneration decree 788/05 ,,,,,,336,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration 7 ,,,,,,345,,,,,,9
Total record size: 354
There are no separators between fields.