Programme SAP HARCSI18 - Generation of employee declarations - Version 18

This report generates a TemSe file per company code for issuing boththe Annual Statements (DGI-SIJP) and a printable support list forcontrolling them.
You can enter the month and year for which you want to run the reportin the selection screen of the report. Given the inherentcharacteristics of the annual statements, the system proposes the monthprior to the current month according to the system date, but this datecan be overwritten.
If no entry is made in the Company Code selection option, the report isrun for all existing company codes, in which case the system generatesa TemSe file name to be generated.
The system automatically activates occupation status " 0 (employees whohave left the company)" and " 3 (active employees)".
If you flag the Total Remuneration with Non-Deductible Creditscheckbox, the report includes the non-deductible credits received bythe employee in the Total Remuneration column.
The Company Type field allows you to enter a different company type foreach report run. The value shown in this field will be assigned to allthe company codes for which this report is run.
We recommend you use this only when working in a single client withcompany codes corresponding to different company types. When workingwith only one company type, we recommend you set this (single) typethrough the implementation guide in section Payroll Argentina ->Lists -> S.I.J.P. -> Define company type for S.I.J.P.. In this case,the value set through the implementation guide will be displayed bydefault in this field of the selection screen.

The support list contains detailed information by employee. This reportselects all the employees who have received remuneration during theperiod shown.
The list shows the following columns, among others:
Percentage of additional SI contribution (%addSI): this percentage isobtained from wage type /SI1. This field shows an additional 6% for thecontributions of employees under the profit share scheme.
Total remuneration (Tot.rem.): gross amount settled to employee withoutany deductions. This is the sum of the wage types for remunerations(/102, /104 and /115), monetary benefits (/105) and maternity (/121).
This column can also include the Non-Deductible SIJP Credits wage type(/124), depending on whether or not you have flagged the correspondingcheckbox in the selection screen of the report.
For further information on the cumulation of non-deductible credits inthe Non-Deductible Credits wage type (/124), see the implementationguide in section Payroll Argentina -> Lists -> SIJP: IntegratedRetirement and Pension Scheme ->Definecumulation of non-deductible credits for SIJP.
Remuneration 1: tax basis used for calculating employee contributionsto SIJP and INSSJP. This is the sum of wage types /380, /381, /382 and/383.
Remuneration 2: tax basis used for calculating company contributions toSIJP and INSSJP. This is the sum of wage types /384, /396, /397 and/398.
Remuneration 3: tax basis for calculating company contributions toFamily Allowance and the National Employment Fund. This is the sum ofwage types /384, /396, /397 and /398.
Remuneration 4: tax basis for calculating employee contributions toWelfare Funds and ANSSAL and company contributions to Welfare Funds,ANSSAL and Welfare Fund additional amount. This is the sum of wagetypes /380, /381, /382 and /383.
Voluntary employee contributions to AFJP through the company(Vol.ret.contr.): this is the sum of wage types /328 and /329.
Family allowance (Fam.allow.): this is the sum of the wage types forfamily allowance (/F03, /F04, /F05 and /F09; /F06, /F07, /F08,/F11; and/F13, /F14, /F15 and /F19, in the event of direct payment) andmaternity (/121).
If you have created additional wage types for family allowance, theycan also be included in this column as long as they cumulate in theTotal Family Allowance wage type (/125). For further information onthis cumulation, see the implementation guide in section PayrollArgentina -> Lists -> SIJP: Integrated Retirement and Pension Scheme ->
Define cumulation of family allowance forSIJP.
Additional Welfare Fund amount (Add.WF.amt): this amount is obtainedfrom wage type /SI2.
Surplus SI contributions (surp.SI.contr.): this amount is obtained fromwage type /SI3.
Surplus WF contributions (surp.WF.contr.): this amount is obtained fromwage type /SI4.
Reduction mark: for CUILs belonging to special CUITs.
Recomposition funds: amount of SIJP contributions not made when theemployee was absent due to provisional total permanent incapacity.
Company type: identifies the type of employer according to the valuesprovided by AFIP.
Additional WF contribution: amount reported for the purposes of art. 8of decree 492/95. This amount is obtained from wage types /348 and/358.
For recruitment methods Scholarship Holder or National Work ExperienceProgram d.340/92, the Welfare Fund and Family Allowance fields arezero.
If the employee changes legal person within the period shown, s/heappears on both lists corresponding to the legal persons in question.
Employees are arranged in ascending order of CUIL number. In the firstcolumn, a consecutive number is shown for each employee which startswith 1 for each of the company codes.
The last line of the list contains the totals of all the employeesselected by company code. These totals are the sum of the correspondingcolumns.
Following this list the totals for Food Vouchers and/or Food Boxes, theFixed Amount per Employee for ART and the Percentage on the Total Wagefor ART are also shown.
The support list shows a header per company code with the legal person,company code, month and year, name of the TemSe file and time of issue
for which the report has been run.
Once the report has been run, a list with the errors that might haveocurred during the run can be issued by activating the correspondingpushbutton in the list screen.

The design data of the ASCII file generated from this report are shownbelow. This design data should be defined in the internal revenueservice system before importing the first results:
Field,,,,,,Start (in column),,,,,,Size (in positions)
Surname and first name,,,,,,12,,,,,,30
Spouse/De facto,,,,,,42,,,,,,1
Number of children,,,,,,43,,,,,, 2
Situation code,,,,,,45,,,,,,2
Condition code,,,,,,47,,,,,,2
Activity code,,,,,,49,,,,,,2
Area code,,,,,,51,,,,,,2
Additional percentage (S),,,,,,3,,,,,,5
Recruitment method code,,,,,,58,,,,,,3
Welfare Fund code,,,,,,61,,,,,,6
Number of next of kin,,,,,,67,,,,,,2
Total remuneration,,,,,,69,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration,,,,,,78,,,,,,9
Family allowance amount,,,,,,87,,,,,,9
Voluntary contribution,,,,,,96,,,,,,9
Additional amount (WF),,,,,,105,,,,,, 9
SI surplus,,,,,,114,,,,,,9
WF surplus,,,,,,123,,,,,,9
Province Town,,,,,,132,,,,,,50
Taxable remuneration 2,,,,,,182,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration 3,,,,,,191,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration 4,,,,,,200,,,,,,9
Claimant code,,,,,,209,,,,,,2
Corresp. reduction mark,,,,,,211,,,,,,1
LRT recomposition funds,,,,,,212,,,,,,9
Company type,,,,,,221,,,,,,1
Additional Welfare Fund contribution,,,,,,222,,,,,,9
Total record size: 230
There are no separators between fields.