Programme SAP HARCSI13 - Generation of employee declarations- Version 13.1

This report generates a TemSe file per company code to issue the IncomeTax Returns (DGI-SIJP) as well as a help list to control them that canbe printed.
You can specify the Month and the Year for which you are running thereport in the report selection screen. Due to the Income Tax Returnspecific features, the system suggests the month before the currentmonth according to the system date. However, this date can beoverwritten.
If you make no entries in the selection option Company Code, the reportwill be run for all the company codes. In this case, the systemgenerates a name for the TemSe file to be generated.
The system automatically activates the employment statuses '0(Employees who are not currently working for the company)" and "3(Active employees)".
If you flag the checkbox Total Remuneration with Non-deductiblepayments, the report will include the non-deductible payments that theemployee received in the column Total Remuneration.

The support list contains employee data. This report selects all theemployees that have received a remuneration during the specifiedperiod.
The list contains, amongst others, the following columns:
Additional SI contribution percentage (%adSS): This percentage can beobtained from wage type /SI1.
Total Remuneration (Tot.Rem.): Gross amount paid to the employee withno deductions. It constitutes the sum of the remunerations (/102, /104and /115), monetary payments (/105) and maternity (/121) wage types.
This column can also include the wage type SIJP non-deductible payments(/124), depending on whether the relevant checkbox has been flagged inthe report selection screen or not.
Should you require further information on non-deductible paymentscumulation in the Non-deductible Payments wage type (/124), see theimplementation guide, section Payroll Argentina -> Lists -> SIJP:Integrated Retirement and Pension Scheme ->
Define non-deductible payments cumulation forSIJP.
Remuneration 1: Tax basis used for calculating the employee SIJP(Integrated Retirement and Pension Scheme) and INSSJP (National Retiredand Pensioners Social Services Institute) deductions. It constitutesthe sum of wage types /380, /381, /382 and /383.
Remuneration 2: Tax basis used for calculating the employercontributions for the SIJP (Integrated Retirement and Pension Scheme)and INSSJP (National Retired and Pensioners Social Services Institute).It constitutes the sum of the wage types /384, /396, /397 and /398.
Employee AFJP (Retirement and Pension Fund Administrators) voluntarydeductions paid through the company (R.vol.contr.): It constitutes thesum of the wage types /328 and /329.
Family allowances (Fam.all.): It constitutes the sum of the familyallowances wage types (/F03, /F04, /F05 and /F09; /F06, /F07,/F08,/F11; and /F13, /F14, /F15 y /F19, in the cases of direct paymentand maternity (/121).
If you have created additional wage types for family allowances, theycan also be included in this column, as long as they cumulate in theFamily Allowances Total Amount wage types (/125). For furtherinformation on this cumulation, see the implementation guide , sectionPayroll Argentina -> Lists -> SIJP: Integrated Retirement andPension Scheme -> Define family allowancescumulation for SIJP.
Welfare Fund additional amount (OS add.amt): This amount can beobtained from the wage type /SI2.
Social Insurance deduction surpluses (SI ded.surpl.): This amount canbe obtained from the wage type /SI3.
Social Insurance contribution surpluses (SI contr.surpl.): This amountcan be obtained from the wage type /SI4.
For contract types Scholarship or National Program for Work Experienced.340/92, both the Welfare Fund and the Family Allowances fields areset to 0.
In the case there is a change in the Legal entity for the employee inthe specified period, the employee will appear in the lists of eachlegal person.
Employees are sorted by their CUIL numbers in an ascending order. Inthe first column, each employee is assigned a sequence number beginningwith 1 for each company code.
The last line in the list contains the totals of all the employeesselected by company code. These totals constitute the sum of thecorresponding columns.
After this list you can also find the total amounts for Food Vouchersand/or food boxes, the employee fixed amount for the ART (Labor RiskInsurance Company) and the salary percentage for the ART.
The support list contains for each society a header that specifies thelegal person, company code, month and year, the TemSe file name and thetime of issue for which the report has been run.
Once the report is run, you can output a list with the errors that mayhave occured during the run. To do this you should activate theappropriate pushbutton in the list screen.

You can find below the layout data of the ASCII file that is generatedon the basis of this report. This layout data must be defined in theInternal Revenue Service (DGI) system before the first results import:
Field,,,,,,Start (in column),,,,,,Length (spaces)
Second Name and Name,,,,,,12,,,,,,30
Number of Children,,,,,,43,,,,,, 2
Situation Code,,,,,,45,,,,,,2
Condition Code,,,,,,47,,,,,,2
Activity Code,,,,,,49,,,,,,2
Area Code,,,,,,51,,,,,,2
Additional Percentage (S),,,,,,3,,,,,,5
Contract Type Code,,,,,,58,,,,,,3
Welfare Fund Code,,,,,,61,,,,,,6
Number of Nexts of Kin,,,,,,67,,,,,,2
Total Remuneration,,,,,,69,,,,,,9
Taxable Remuneration,,,,,,78,,,,,,9
Amount for Family Allowances.,,,,,,87,,,,,,9
Voluntary Deduction,,,,,,96,,,,,,9
Additional Deduction (OS),,,,,,105,,,,,, 9
Social Insurance Surplus,,,,,,114,,,,,,9
Welfare Fund Surplus,,,,,,123,,,,,,9
Region City,,,,,,132,,,,,,50
Taxable Remuneration 2,,,,,,182,,,,,,9
Total size of record: 190
There are no separators between fields.