Programme SAP HARCSI00 - Union contribution list

This report generates a monthly list of the contributions thatemployees pay to unions.
Given that this report evaluates the infotype Associations (0057), thislist can also be generated for all types of associations that receivecontributions stored in the infotype Associations (0057). For thisreason, you can indicate the subtype for the infotype Associations(0057) in the Union field of the report selection screen for which youwant to generate the list. If you do not make an entry in this field,the system generates a list for all the existing subtypes with allcontributions paid according to the other selection options indicated.

This report evaluates the infotype Associations (0057) as well as thepayroll results. As such, and to guarantee that the data in infotypeAssociation and the payroll results correspond, we recommend executingthis report immediately after the payroll run for the correspondingperiod.
If you work with more than one union, you will have to store a wagetype for each union in the infotype Associations (0057). This wage typemust be stored in the internal RT table for payroll results andcontain, in the Amount field, the amount of the union contribution; andin the Quantity field, the percentage to be applied.

The list that generates this report is classified in descending orderby association and employee name.
As well as the CUIL and membership number, the list presents the amountcorresponding to the contribution paid, the percentage applied and thegross amount from which the contribution is determined.
Once you have run the report, you can issue a list of the errors thatmay have occured during report flow. To do this, activate thecorresponding pushbutton on the list screen.