Programme SAP H99_HRFORMS_CALL - Call Print Program for HR Forms Workplace

Choose the HR Form that isto be printed using the form name. Start the print program.

You have set up the form using theHR Forms Workplace andgenerated the print program.
If the form to be printed does not yet exist in your SAP system, youmust set up the form and generate the print program.

Print the HR form in your production system.

You can call the print program as follows:

  • Without a variant

  • If you have not created a variant or you want to start printing withouta variant, leave the Variant field empty and select Execute
    You are then in the report selection screen.
    Enter the relevant values and choose Execute.
    • With a variant

    • If you have created a variant for the print program, you can then choosethis in the Variant field using F4 Help. Choose Execute tostart printing the form.
      • Directly start printing the HR form

      • You can extend the customer-specific area menu as the systemadministrator, using a customer-specific transaction to start printingthe HR form directly. This customer-specific transaction should be acopy of the transaction Call the HR Forms Print Program (PC00
        _Mxx_HRF (xx = country grouping)). You can use the transactionTransaction maintenance (SE93) for this. You must thencheck and adjust the parameter copied:
        P_MOLGA,,Country grouping
        P_FCLASS,,Form class (for example, salary statement)
        P_FNAME,,Form name (for example, SAP_PAYSLIP_DE)
        P_POPUP,, Dialog box for printer setting
        ,,Value = EMPTY do not display a dialog box for printer setting
        ,,Value = X display dialog box for printer setting
        P_VAR,,Name of variant, with which the print program is executed.
        P_DIRECT,,direct printing
        ,,Value = EMPTY print corresponds to the print with a variant

        ,,Value = X if the above parameters are set, printing isdirect, but without displaying the selection screens.
        Use the customer-specific transaction in the customer-specific menu andinform the responsible administrator about the changed procedure forprinting the HR forms.