Programme SAP H99_DISPLAY_PAYRESULT_OLD - Display Payroll Results

Display payroll results H99_DISPLAY_PAYRESULT

You can use this report to display the payroll results of any country.


  • You can display the contents of all tables and field strings of any
  • payroll cluster.
    • You can temporarily save the tables to be displayed so that the call
    • time is shorter.
      • You can include archived payroll results in the display.

      • You can go to the display or maintenace of HR master data (Goto ->
      • HR master data -> Display/Maintain; Ctrl-F2/Ctrl-F3).
        • You can include loan wage types in the display (Tables -> Loans->
        • Display; Ctrl-F5).
          In this way, H99_DISPLAY_PAYRESULT replaces report RPCLSTLO OutputLoan Results.

          You can display the payroll results for several personnel numbers bychoosing Multiple selection.
          All payroll results with a for-period start date or in-period end datefrom the specificed date onwards, can be displayed.

          The personnel numbers entered are saved in the ALV (ABAP List Viewer)Grid Control. The formatted name from infotype 0001 is displayed as adefault. To display the sortable first and last names from infotype0002, choose the push button First and last name in the ALVtoolbar.
          The LED behind each name specifies whether there are results in theselected period.
          green,, Results available
          red,, No results available
          gray,, No authorization to display personnel numbers
          Information about the personnel numbers are displayed in the right ALV:

          • Overview of all payroll results for a personnel number (cluster CU)

          • Overview of the tables of a payroll result

          • Preselection of payroll tables

          • The content of the payroll tables is displayed in the form of thepayroll log in a list.

            Navigation around the output
            In brackets you see the menu path and the key combination to use toperform the different functions.

            • Display personnel numbers in ALV grid control

            • Switch between the various names with the push button First andlast name ( Personnel number -> Name -> Formatted first and lastname
              ; Shift-F11/Shift-F12)
              Delete the current personnel number with the push button Delete(Personnel number -> Delete; Ctrl-F2)
              Delete all pesonnel numbers with the push button Delete all (
              Personnel number -> Delete all; Ctrl-Shift-F2)
              If the selection of the current personnel number is lost (for exampleby a column selection), you can renew it with the push buttonSelect current (Personnel number -> Select current;
              • Overview of all payroll results of a personnel number (cluster CU)

              • To receive an overview of all payroll results (cluster CU) for apersonnel number, click on the personnel number (set keyboard focuswith TAB to the left ALV, select personnel number with Upor Down, update with F9 ).
                You can save a standard layout for this table, which is used at everyprogram start.
                There is also a default layout for each country for the relevantcountry-specific fields. If you have not saved a standard layout, thedefault layout is chosen according to the personnel number and country.
                Display the table overview of a payroll result with the push buttonDisplay overview (Tables -> Display overview;F8).
                If the push button Display content is not active you can receivean overview by double clicking on the table line.
                To choose a number of tables from the overview of the country-specificpayroll tables, choose Tables -> Preselect or Ctrl-F8.
                If you have saved such a preselection, the push button Displaycontent is active, and you can use it to display the content of thepreselected tables ( Tables -> Display content; F7, ordouble click on the table line).
                In the default setting retroactive accounting chains are selectedalternately; you can switch off this functionality with Tables ->Retroactive accounting chains -> Do not select chains;Ctrl-Shift-F7.
                • Overview of payroll results tables

                • Only those tables that are relevant for the country of the employee aredisplayed and their selection saved or deleted.
                  To control the display of empty tables, choose the push buttonDisplay empty tables ( Tables -> Empty tables -> Display /Do not display; Ctrl-F11/Ctrl-F12).
                  To output the content of selected tables in a list, choose the pushbutton Display content (Tables -> Display content;F7).
                  You only only display several lines by using the mouse and pushing thebutton Ctrl whilst clicking the required lines.
                  The following three functions also exist for the preselection ofpayroll tables.
                  You can save a line selection until leaving the program with the pushbutton Save selection or over Tables -> Selection -> Saveor Ctrl-F1. What happens if you double click on a payroll result hasalready been described above.
                  You can delete the saved selection using the push button Deleteselection or over the path Tables -> Selection -> Save orCtrl-F10.
                  You can disply a saved selection again using the pushbutton Reselect selection or over the menu path Tables -> Selection ->Reselect or Ctrl F9.
                  • Additional functions

                  • You can use F3 and the appropriate push button to navigatebackwards within the data display for a personnel number in the rightALV:


                    • Display loan wage types: Enter a personnel number and choose Tables

                    • -> Loans -> Display results. The payroll results for this personnelnumber that receive loan wage types, are selected. Choose Tables ->Loans -> Display to display the loan wage types.
                      • Dispay a table: Enter a personnel number and choose the required
                      • payroll result. In the following table overview of this result, adouble click on a table is enough to display its content.
                        • Trouble shooting for several personnel numbers: you think there
                        • are inconsistencies in the payroll results of two personnel numbers (xxand yy) and so you display some tables for personnel number xx. Intables WPBP and BT you notice something that you want to check inpersonnel number yy. Select both these tables and save this selection.After you have entered the second personnel number, a double click on apayroll result shows you the content of the tables you previouslyselected, without having to select them a second time.
                          • Hide archived results: So that archived results are not
                          • displayed, you can
                            adjust the selection date appropriately or
                            filter out all results that have an archiving group other than 0.Setting filters is a standard functionality of ALVs.