Programme SAP H99_B2AFILE - B2A: Upload/Download Files

The report transfers files between the front end and the SAP server.
Note: The transfer occurs 1:1 in binary code format, which means that noplatform-dependent conversions take place (for example, codepage, linefeed, or EOF)

The server's physical path has to be defined in the FILE transactionusing a logical directory name. Using this name, the directory is thendetermined by the program for the server that has just been specified.

Upload (Front end->server) - The file is copied from the front en
d to the server
Download (Server->front end) - The file is copied from the serverto the front end
File name - Name of the file that is to be copied
Logical directory server - The directory path defined by thetransaction file
Front end
Directory front end - Path name in the front end
X ,,Upload (Front end->server)
,,Download (Server->front end)
File name:,,Total
Logical directory server ,,HR_DE_B2A_KK_ZERTLIST
Front end
Directory front end ,,,,c:\tmp\
Output of report
Load the file c:\tmp\Total.agv ( Size: 32.708 ) OK
Save the file /tmp/Total.agv ( Size: 32.708 ) OK

1470094Authorization check in report H99_B2AFILE missing
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