Programme SAP H99_B2ACHECK - HR-B2A: Check Program for B2A Application

Check Program for B2A Application

You can use the check program H99_B2ACHECK to test individual settingsfor Business to Administration with the B2A Manager.


Group box Check number range:
The number range HRB2A is used to assign the GLBID number. Thisis a number used internally with a unique ID. The number range is madeup of a 20 digit number. The system checks whether the number range isavailable, checks its status, and whether other numbers can be chosen.Transaction SNRO is used to view and maintain the number range.
No interval is supplied for the used number range. If no number range isavailable, create it in your system for the number range HRB2A
. Maintain the interval as follows:
No. = 01
From number = 00000000000000000001
To number = 99999999999999999999
Number status = no entry required
You cannot change the number range HRB2A used by the B2Aapplication.
For reorganization, refer to report H99_B2AREORG.

Group box Check authorizations:
Checks authorization object P_B2A

  • Fields for Authorization P_B2A:

  • You can control authorizations for actions within the B2A application byusing the authorization object P_B2A. The authorization can be assignedfor the country grouping, subject area, document type, personnel areaand personnel subarea. The check can be used to test individualvalues for the parameters named above.

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