Programme SAP H99UGSP0 - Splits in Payroll

Payroll splits

This report is an internal tool with the following functionality:
- Customizes the semantic context of tables in payroll results, as isusually stored in the foreign key dependency
- Defines the behavior of fields in these tables for summarizingpayroll results
- Generates function groups whose modules can summarize payroll resultsaccording to splits, taking these Customizing settings intoconsideration.

Release 4.6B or above


The following functions can be selected per country version of apayroll result:

The complex type of a payroll result (PAYxx_RESULT, xx is the countryindicator) is evaluated and the customizing tables are initialized withcountry-specific payroll tables and fields. This is needed inparticular for a new country version and for a modification of complextype of a payroll result. With regard to the latter, the settings thatwere previously made in the customizing tables are retained.

The customizing tables are maintained using the view cluster.

The content of the customizing tables are displayed using the viewcluster.

The complex type of a payroll result is compared with the tables of theimport/export makro of a country version. Then the content of thecustomizing tables is compared with the complex type of the respectivepayroll result. If differences arise, you can update the customizingtables using 'Create'.

Function group HRSP_xx is created, which makes an exact summary ofpayroll results according to splits possible for each country version.

Entries are selected from customizing tables and recorded to atransport request.



Customizing the semantic connection of tables in payroll results:
If the complex type of a payroll result has just been created, ormodified, choose the function 'create', which initializes thecustomizing tables with country-specific payroll tables and fields.Then make the following settings:

Check tables
This is a list of all tables from the country-specific part of thecomplex type of payroll result PAYxx_RESULT, which contain splits.Select those tables which are the check tables for the respective splitand which define the specification of this split.
Example: the table WPBP is the check table for the split APZNR. If thistable is selected, it is used to decide whether the split APZNR is usedin two payroll results with the same specification, or not.
To be able to correctly evaulate tables in payroll results, theirsplits have to fufil the following criteria:
Independence: splits are independent, which means that each table hasonly 1 split in the key (only 1 split per table to which reference canbe made from other tables). Several splits which refer to other tablescan exist in one table.
Same name: If a table uses a split to refer to another table, thissplit has to have the same name in both tables.
No daisy chain: a "ring concatenation" of splits is not permitted. Thismeans that when split X in table T1 refers to table T2, split Y from T2cannot refer to T1.

Element tables
Here you enter tables from the country-specific part of the complextype of a payroll result PAYxx_RESULT that are check tables for splits,but which can have more than one entry per split. The part of the keyof these tables, which is not the split itself, should be entered inthe 'Element Split' field, the table should be entered in the 'ElementTable' field.
Example: Table C0 is a check table for the split APZNR, however, italso contains the key field SEQNO, so that it can contain more entriesper split APZNR, which together can decide whether the split APZNR hasthe same specification in two payroll results or not.

Sign reversal for table fields
This is a list of all numerical fields from the tables of the country-specific part of the complex type of payroll result PAYxx_RESULT.Select those fields for which sign reversal during the summary of twopayroll results is useful in order to display the difference betweenthem.
Example: Table RT contains the numerical fields ANZHL, BETPE and BETRG.The difference should only be determined for fields ANZHL and BETRG.

Summary of tables
This is a list of all tables from the country-specific part of thecomlex type of payroll result PAYxx_RESULT. Select those tables that inthe case of the summary of two payroll results, should also besummarized.
Example: Table RT should be summarized when two payroll results aresummarized, table V0 however should not.

Generate the country-dependent function group HRSP_xx:
Choose the function 'Generate' from the initial screen of the report.Function group HRSP_xx is created, which enables the exact summary ofpayroll results of the respective country versions.

Application of generated function group HRSP_xx:
The function modules from the country version dependent function groupHRSP_xx in the evaluation report is implemented using the genericfunction module from function group HRSP_GEN:

Function module HR_SPLIT_MAIN
Two payroll results are transferred to this module. They are returnedwith consistent split specifications.

Function module HR_SPLIT_CSIGN
One payroll result is transferred to this module. It is returned with areversed sign for the numerical values.

Function module HR_SPLIT_MERGE
Two payroll results are transferred to this module. One payroll resultis returned, which contains the summarized tables of the transferredpayroll results.