Purpose You can use this report to display or delete entries in table T52RIC(Retroactive Changes to Off-Cycle Infotypes)> for a certainpersonnel number. The system creates entries in table T52RIC if you have created resultsfrom off-cycle runs of type A (Bonus Payment)> or C (Manualcheck)> that have to have payroll run for them again. This can be thecase, for example, if you make changes to a bonus after payroll has beenrun for this bonus run. Using table T52RIC ensures that the system alsotakes these bonus runs correctly into account in retroactive accountingruns. Caution: Only delete entries from table T52RIC when you are sure that they areincorrect and that deleting them will not lead to inconsistencies.Prerequisites If you want to display> entries from table T52RIC you must havethe authorization to read the infotype Payroll Status> (0003) forthe relevant personnel number. If you want to delete> entries from table T52RIC you must have thefollowing authorizations:
- Call transaction Change payroll status> (PU03)
- Read infotype Payroll Status> for the relevant personnel number
- Change infotype Payroll Status> for the relevant personnel number
Selection Enter the personnel number for which you want to display or deleteentries from table T52RIC. Note: If you start the report using the ABAP Editor> you can onlydisplay entries. You can only delete entries using the transactionChange payroll status> (PU03).Output On the screen Entries of table T52RIC> the system displays allrelevant entries for the required personnel number. If you select anentry and choose Delete>, the system removes the entry from tableT52RIC. The system does not show the Delete> push button in the followingcases:
- You have chosen Display>.
- You have accessed the report using the ABAP Editor>.
You cannot delete the displayed entries in these cases, but you can seethe relevant entries for each personnel number, if you have readauthorization for the infotype Payroll status>.