Programme SAP H99PDSY_REPAIR_SMODILOG - Remove Superfluous Entries From SMODILOG

HR objects were always written to SMODILOG, even in the object'soriginal system, prior to the correction described in note 519678. Thisprogram deletes the superfluous entries.

The object type (R_OTYPE) selection option is provided with a list ofall HR object types whose SMODILOG entries are affected by the problemdescribed in note 519678. You can use this selection option to furtherrestrict the object types. However, you cannot supplement them.

Program output depends on the selected radio button:

  • Display superfluous entries:

  • The program outputs a list of SMODILOG entries to be deleted. Thelisted objects are in the original system. If an object's originalsystem cannot be determined any longer, for example deleted HRdocumentation, then the program uses the current system as the originalsystem.
    • Delete superfluous entries:

    • The program deletes the SMODILOG entries for all objects that have oneof the specified object types and the current system as the originalsystem. The system outputs a list of deleted entries.
      The objects for which SMODILOG entries were deleted are written to atransport request. If the objects are transported to other systems, theSMODILOG entries are deleted in all the follow-up systems too.
      Note that authorization for administration function TABL ofauthorization object S_CTS_ADMI is required forperforming the deletion.
      • Display correct entries:

      • The program outputs a list of SMODILOG entries that have one of thespecified object types and a different original system.

        If you have a multilevel system landscape (development system and/orCustomizing system, consolidation and/or test system, and productionsystem), you must start this report in every system and import theresulting transport requests into all of the subsequent systems.