Programme SAP H99PDSY_FILL_SMODILOG - Enhance Missing Entries in SMODILOG

Examines the selected transport tasks and adds HR objects, which weremodified but are not available in table SMODILOG, to this table. Thenthe modified HR objects appear in the modification adjustment (SPAU).
The HR objects are entered automatically in SMODILOG when they arechanged. These objects should not be included if:

  • The objects were modified before note 395586 (HR objects in modification
  • adjustment) was imported.
    • The objects were modified before note 183116 (Reports for modifications
    • of object lists) was imported.
      • The objects are client dependent and were created in the SAP namespace
      • before note 593628 (HR objects are missing in modification adjustment)was imported.

        This program only runs when notes 183116 and 395586 have already beenimported into the system. If these notes are not available in the system
        , the missing objects cannot be entered in SMODILOG.


        • Object type (R_OTYPE):

        • Is predefined with a list of all HR object types that can be displayedin the modification adjustment. You can use this select option to limitthe object types even further, but you cannot add to them.
          • Change date of the task (R_DATE):

          • Is predefined with the period up to the time when notes 183116 and395586 were imported.
            • Task (R_TASK):

            • You can limit the number of tasks to be examined. The program onlyselects tasks with the types 'Development/Correction', 'Repair','Unclassified Task' and 'Customizing Task'.
              • Test/no database update (X_TEST):

              • If this field is selected, the objects that are missing from SMODILOGare found and listed. However, the missing objects are not entered inthe table.

                If you have a multilevel system environment (development system orcustomizing system, consolidation or test system and production system)you must start the report in each system.