Programme SAP H99PDSY_COMPARE - HRDSYS: Cross-system text comparison

The report converts from the manual tax exemption for pensions limit forpensioners, to the automatic calculation of exemptions. In the same wayas for report RPISTVD1, a batch input session is created. By running thecreated session, infotype 0012 is delimited for the selected personnelnumbers for the key date of subapplication VAMV and the basis on pensionpay are deleted. The prerequisite therefore, is a valid entry forsubapplication VAMV in table T596D.
Deleting the basis for pension pay from infotype 0012 is the prerequisit
e for machine calculation in payroll. In payroll in the payroll functionDST (with parameter STZ), the calculated values are saved in table STZMand transferred to STZ.