Programme SAP H99LT52OCG - Display the Indicator Table for Off-Cycle Batch Processing


This report reads the table T52OCG (Off-Cycle: Flags for Batch:Payroll, Subsequent Program) and displays the contents. The tableT52OCG contains all data on the results of off-cycle payroll runs,payment replacements and reversals that you have carried out in theOff-Cycle Workbench.

The system writes data on payroll results, payment replacements andreversals in the table T52OCG after you have used one of the functionsin the Off-Cycle Workbench. This prepares the results for subsequentprocessing.
You initiate subsequent processing of the results by using one orseveral batch reports for off-cycle subsequent processing. (The reportsused are dependent on the country-specific standard system). When youstart the report(s), the system marks the data records processed in thetable T52OCG. It enters the employee that ran the batch report, and thedate and time the report was run.
For more information, refer to the SAP Library under Payroll ->Payroll in the SAP System -> Off-Cycle Activities -> Off-CycleSubsequent Processing.

You can display the entire contents of the table, or you can useselection criteria to restrict which data records the system is todisplay.

Note that you can only use the fields Batch report user andProcessing date as selection criteria once subsequent processinghas been carried out. These fields are not immediately filled in T52OCGfollowing an off-cycle payroll run, payment replacement or reversal inthe Off-Cycle Workbench.


You can display all the data records that the system created followingbonus accounting runs that you have carried out in the Off-CycleWorkbench. In the Procedure type field, specify the entry A
(Special runs) and enter your name in the OC Workbenchprocessor field.
You can display all data records that the system created followingpayment replacements that you, or another employee carried out in theOff-Cycle Workbench. In the Procedure type field, choose theentry R (Check replacement). Do not make any furtherrestrictions.
You can display all data records that have undergone batch reportsubsequent processing. To do this, enter your name in the Batchreport user field. Do not make any further restrictions.