Programme SAP H00_SAPQUERY - Start SAP Query in HR Environment

Start Ad Hoc Query (H00_ADHOCQUERY)

Report H00_ADHOCQUERY Start Ad Hoc Query is used to start HR AdHoc Query. When Ad Hoc Query is started, the system uses the specifiedvalues for the query area,user group, andfunctional area. StartingAd Hoc Query with this report means that the specified functional areais immediately available.

To ensure that you can start Ad Hoc Query directly with a specificfunctional area, you can integrate this report with a variant astransactions in area menus, or you can use it in roles.

The required functional area is defined in SAP Query.


You always want Ad Hoc Query in the Personnel Administrationinformation system to start with a functional area that is specificallyrelevant to Personnel Administration. Therefore, you define a variantwith the appropriate query area and the functional area to be used. (Donot specify a user group!) You also activate the Ignore SET/GETparameters indicator, which ensures that existing SET/GET parametersare overridden by the values entered here when Ad Hoc Query is started.If you want to prevent the variant from being changed, you can protectit when you save it.
You can use area menu maintenance to integrate the report with thevariant in the Personnel Administration information system, oryou can use a role to include them in a user-specific menu.
If you require further information on area menu maintenance, access theSAP Library and choose Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench ->ABAP Workbench Tools -> Menu Painter -> Area Menu Maintenance.
If you require further information on profile maintenance, access theSAP Library and choose Basis Components -> Computing CenterManagement -> Users and Authorizations -> Profile Generator.