Programme SAP GN_XPRA_CRM50 - XPRA for CRM 5.0 Upgrade

Generation XPRA for CRM 4.0

Prepares generation and moves data to new tables


Determine Synchronization Middleware Activation Status
Second Action

Determine Synchronization Middleware Activation Status
This report determines Mobile Szenario activation status for all clientsand creates the necessary customizing entries in table TCMWC_SMT.
The report determines from table SMOFAPPL the values of fields MSE(Mobile Service) and MSA (Mobile Sales). If one of them is set and noentry exists for the corresponding client in table TCMWC_SMW, thisreport creates a new entry in table TCMWC_SMW for this client with DataSynchronization "is active" (SMW_ACTIVE = 'X'). The report does notchange an existing entry in tbale TCMWC_SMW.