Requesting the Generation Status

You get an overview of the status of the Middleware runtime objectgeneration. You can also start or schedule a generation or check job.
You can choose to display the following queues:

  • Generation Queues

  • Generation Check Queues

  • The Queue List contains the generation/check queues.
    There are three types of queues according to their status:
    • Waiting

    • There can be only one queue of type Waiting. It contains theobjects that need to be generated. A yellow traffic light in theexception column indicates that the generation job is scheduled. A redtraffic light indicates that no generation job is scheduled.
      • Processing

      • There can be as many queues of type Processing as specified intransaction GN_SRVPAR, the maximum number of parallel processes. Agreen traffic light indicates that a job is running that generates theobjects located in the queues of type Processing.
        • Error

        • There can be only one queue of type Error. It contains allobjects that could not be generated. A green traffic light indicatesthat a job is processing or will process the objects located in thequeues of type Processing. A red traffic light indicates that nogeneration job is running.
          Objects are moved from the queue of type Waiting to queues oftype Processing. This action is performed in parallelprocessing until the queue of type Waiting is empty. If theprocessing of an object fails, it is moved from a queue of typeProcessing to the error queue. If the generation of queuedobjects dumps, then all objects not yet generated are moved to theerror queue. When the queue of type Waiting and the queues oftype Processing are empty, the generation of the objects in theerror queue is repeated.

          Queue List Columns
          Some of the columns are displayed by default, others can be added usingthe Change Layout icon.
          Exception,,Status display
          SAP System,,System location of the queue
          Queue,,Name of the queue
          Count,,Number of objects in the queue.
          Gen. group,,Generation Group of the presently processed
          ,,(only queues of type Processing and Error)
          Object Name,,Name of the object that is presently processed
          Process ID GUID,,Process queue identifier
          Type,,Type of the queue
          The Refresh icon in the grid updates the grid. A double click onone of the queue entries displays the objects that are listed in thatqueue in the Items List.

          Items List Columns
          Objects are defined by the Generation Group, which defines a set ofgenerators that must be called to generate the runtime objects.Additionally, a single generator can be specified. Then only thisgenerator will be called.
          Some of the columns are displayed by default, others can be added usingthe Change Layout icon.
          Generation Object Name,,Name of the object
          Gen. Group,,Generation group
          Generator,,Generator to be processed
          State,,State of the object
          Type,,Generation type
          Message text,,Error message text (only error queue)
          Runtime object,,Name of the runtime object that could not be generated
          ,,(only error queue)

          Documentation,,Displays this documentation
          Start Generation Job,,This functionality is also available viatransaction code GN_START.
          Generation Job Log,,Displays a list of all generation job logsavailable on the system.
          ,,A double click on a list entry displays the job log.
          Generation Log,,Displays a list of all generation logs available on thesystem.
          ,,A double click on a list entry displays the generation log.
          Start Check Job,,This functionality is also available via transactioncode GN_CHECK.
          By clicking on the Generate icon selected objects in the ItemsList can be generated synchroniously. This generation will update thequeues.