Programme SAP GDS_MATERIAL_EXTRACT - Extraction of Materials in a GDS Scenario

You can use this report to send materials by means of ALE to a GDSConsole as part of a global data synchronization (GDS) scenario.

The selection screen contains the following fields:
Enter the selection criteria to determine the materials that are to besent. The system sends a material only when it meets all of the criteriayou entered (AND relationship).
In line with the selection criterion for plants, the system sendsmaterials for which corresponding plant data is maintained.
In line with the selection criterion for a sales organization anddistribution channel, the system sends materials for which acorresponding combination of sales organization and distribution channel(distribution chain) is maintained.
A further stipulation for the system sending a material is that it isrelevant for extraction to the GDS Console. You determine if a materialis relevant for extraction by setting the GDS-Relevant indicatorin the material master.
Execution Mode:
You use these parameters to control how the report is executed.

  • Mode:

  • Initial Load: The system sends all materials that meet the select
    ion criteria. Using the change pointers available for these materials,the report is executed in test mode according to the test mode settings.
    Delta Load: The system sends all materials that meet the selectio
    n criteria and for which there are change pointers for the message typeused. Using the change pointers available for these materials, thereport is executed in test mode according to the test mode settings.
    During this mode, the system does not send every piece of data on the ma
    terial; the IDoc contains only those segments that contain fields thatwere changed since the last extraction. You can, however, use BusinessAdd-In (BAdI) GDS_MATERIAL_EXTRACT to define if all IDocs or only someIDocs are sent in a complete form.
    No Extraction: The system does not extract any materials. Thesystem only processes change pointers when the Reorganize ChangePointers indicator is set.
    • Test Mode:

    • No Test: The system creates IDocs and sets the status of thecorresponding change pointers to "processed".
      Test and Send IDocs: The system sends IDocs but does not set thechange pointers to "processed". This mode is useful if you want to testhow to set up the IDocs correctly.
      Test Without Sending IDocs: The system neither sends any IDocs,nor sets the change pointers to "processed".
      • Error Handling:

      • The report sends one or more materials in an IDoc (you can set this indi
        vidually). If the system finds an error when creating an IDoc, you cancontinue as follows:
        Termination After Error with IDoc: As soon as an error occurs,processing is terminated. The system does not create subsequent IDocs.
        No Termination After Error with IDoc: After an error occurs, proc
        essing continues in that the system creates the next IDoc. However, ifthere is a fundamental problem with the IDoc creation process (forexample, an incorrect entry in the distribution model), this mode canlead to multiple unsuccessful attempts.
        Application Log:
        The report writes an application log (transaction SLG1, object GDS_MATER
        IAL_EXTRACT). You can use the Log Level parameter to determinewhich data is to be written in the application log:
        • Log Level:

        • No Application Log: The system does not create an application log
          Messages Only: The system only writes the following informationin the application log: messages and statistics about materials foundand about materials sent.
          Messages and Materials Sent: In addition to messages andstatistics, the system also writes a list of the materials found andsent in the application log. This can, however, lead to a very largelog.
          Messages and Materials Sent That Have EAN: In addition to thelist of materials sent, the system writes any EANs that exist for eachmaterial in the log.
          Transmission Settings:
          • Message Type: The type of message that is to be sent. The system
          • also takes into consideration the change pointers for this message type.
            • Message Scope: You determine if the system is to send gross or
            • net messages during a delta load.
              • Recipient: The recipients logical system. If you do not enter a
              • recipient, the system sends the IDocs to all systems entered in thedistribution model.
                • Number of Materials per IDoc: The number of materials that are to
                • be sent in one IDoc.
                  Change Pointers:
                  • Reorganize Change Pointers: If you set this indicator, the system
                  • sets the change pointers to "processed" for all materials that are notGDS-relevant. This applies both to an initial load and to a delta load.You can delete the change pointers that were written fornon-GDS-relevant materials during the next reorganization run(transaction BD22).

                    Depending on the Log Level setting, the system creates an applicationlog for log object GDS_MATERIAL_EXTRACT.

                    You determine which fields are GDS-relevant in transaction BD52; in themessage type that you want to send, you enter the fields in the MATERIAL change document object for which the system is to writechange pointers. In the case of a delta load, you can use this settingto determine which changes to material master data cause the system tosend an IDoc.
                    You can use BAdI GDS_MATERIAL_EXTRACT to define customer-specificselection criteria and customize how IDocs are sent.
                    For more information, see the BAdI documentation.

795514Extraction of materials for GDS: Documentation
794064Extracting materials for GDS