Programme SAP FSBP_CONVERT_ALNAME - Conversion of Aliases

This report reads the data objects (strings) for the field Alias(BKK_ALNAME_NEW), converts them into capital letters, and omitsspaces and special characters included in the data object.
The new data object is generated using the function module ConvertAlias (BKK_BUPA_CONVERT_ALNAME) and is saved in the field Aliasfor the Business Partner Search (BKK_ALNAME_SEARCH).
The search help for the SAP Business Partner for Financial Services
according to aliases accesses the field Alias for the BusinessPartner Search (BKK_ALNAME_SEARCH) during the business partner searchto ensure that the hit list contains complete results.

The report does not issue a log, the system reports the status of theconversion in a message.

Select the business partner for which you want to convert the alias.
If you do not select a business partner, then the report convertsaliases for all business partners.