Programme SAP FRMLP_DIET_LOAD - Load Diet Suitability to Consistent Formulas

As of SAP ECC Enterprise Extension PLM 7.0 (EA-PLM 700), the itemtype diet is available in the Recipe Workbench as an additionalsearch criterion for the recipe and formula search. You use theFRMLP_DIET_LOAD report to save diet data from existing recipes andformulas to the database so that this data can be included in this newsearch.

You have selected the Rel.Consty
indicator for the DIET_EVAL and DIET_SUM formula views in Customizingfor Recipe Management, by choosing Formula ->Set Up and Activate Formula Views.

The system determines all formulas that correspond to the searchcriteria and checks which ones meet the following requirements:

  • The formula is consistent.

  • The Synchronization indicator is not
  • selected for the formula.
    • The formula is not locked by another user.

    • You have authorization to edit this formula.

    • No diet suitability data exists in the database.

    • The system does not take the status of the formula or of the
    • recipe that belongs to it into account.
      The system explodes all change states of all formulas that meet theserequirements and saves the diet data to the database.

      You can restrict the search to certain formulas. If you do not do this,the system executes the report for all existing formulas in the system.
      Enter a key date which applies if the system cannot determine avalid-from date.

      Once the report has been executed, you go to the application log, whichcontains all the messages issued while the report was being executed.
      To evaluate the log, in the SAP Easy Access screen, choose
      Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Development -> SAPBusiness Workflow -> Utilities -> Application Log ->Application Log: Display Logs. Enter the objectRMS_FRM and the report FRMLP_DIET_LOAD.