Programme SAP FRE_TS_POINTER_REORG - Deletion of Change Pointers (Stock Information and Consumption Data)

This program reorganizes the two tables FRE_ST_POINTER andFRE_CONS_POINTER which contain change pointers of stock information andconsumption data.
This report deletes change pointers with timestamps before the end of alatency period calculated in days from the current date. The latencyperiod can be defined by the user. The user may not set the latencyperiod to "zero". This guarantees that the functionality is enabled forat least one day. The default value for the latency period is sevendays.
If the test flag is ticked, no change pointers will be deleted, but onlythe respective number of change pointers will be determined that wouldbe deleted.
The program can be started or scheduled online. In both cases thenumberof deleted / selected records, and any problems with deletion /selection, are output in the user interface (transaction FRE_UI;interface "TS"). If the program is scheduled for background processing,then the protocol information is also transferred to the job log. Singlerecord documentation does not occur.