Programme SAP FRE_SUBST_SWITCH_LOAD - Transfer of Switchover and Switchback Information to SAP F&R

This report evaluates the information stored in SAP ERP on completedswitches from original articles to follow-up/replacement articles (or'switch back' from replacement article to original article) andtransfers the relevant data to SAP F&R inbound interface for'information on switch / switch back'.
SAP F&R must be informed of a switch so that the consumption mergingrequired for the switch can take place in SAP F&R. If a switch has takenplace from an original article to a replacement article in SAP ERP, andthe original article can now be delivered again, then SAP F&R must bealso informed of this switch back so that the merging of the data in SAPF&R can be ended.
The settings made here can be stored as variants and be scheduled toexecute transmission to SAP F&R at specified intervals. The report isalso integrated into the existing functionality for initial and deltadata supply of SAP F&R with master data from SAP ERP so that on initialsupply of SAP F&R with master data on 'F&Rreplenishment-planning-relevant' articles, any existing switchinformation on these articles in SAP ERP is also transferred to SAP F

Customizing Settings
The Switch information is only collected if the transfer of data(relating to the follow-up/replacement article functionality) to SAP F
R is activated in customizing.

Selection criteria
If you select the check box "Initial Supply", switchoverinformation that has already been sent is also selected and transferredagain. This should only be necessary in exceptional situations, e.g if anew initial data upload from SAP F&R has to take place, forexample.
If you select the check box "Delete non-relevant Entries", areorganization of obsolete entries from the switch information table istriggered.
In the field "No. Data Records per package" the number of switchrecords per package is maintained and in the field 'ApplicationIndicator' you can choose the application that generated the switch.
Error Handling:
If errors or warnings occur during processing and the selection in thisreport is aborted, the errors and warnings will be stored with adetailed description in table FRE_UI_MSG for interface SU2, which can bemonitored via transaction FRE_UI. This allows the system administratorto recognize these problems via the user interface (transaction FRE_UI)and to react to the problems.