Programme SAP FRE_REORG_ART_SITE - Reorganization Control Tables F&R Relevant Article Site Combinations

You use this report to check and reorganize the SAP Forecasting andReplenishment (F&R) control tables FRE_DB_SITE andFRE_DB_ART_SITE in the SAP ERP system.
The program checks the following:

  • Whether an SAP F&R-relevant location product has an entry in the
  • table FRE_DB_ART_SITE. If the entry does not exist, the programgenerates a change depending on relevance type:
    The location product is relevant because of a relevant replenishmenttype. In this scenario, the program generates a change pointer at thematerial requirements planning (MRP) type level (FRE_ART_SITE-DISMM
    ). The generated change pointer is selected and evaluated by thedelta report (FRE02) so that the location product is updated intable FRE_DB_ART_SITE (the indicator REL_DISMM is set) andan initial load is executed
    The location product is relevant because it is assigned as a referenceto a different, relevant location product in the article master. In thisscenario, the program generates a change pointer at the consumablematerial level (FRE_ART_SITE-VRBMT). The generated change pointeris selected and evaluated by the delta report (FRE02) so that thelocation product is updated in table FRE_DB_ART_SITE (theindicator REL_REF_MARC is set) and interface table/FRE/BF_MATLOC.
    The location product is relevant because it is used as part of areference module for a different relevant location product. In thisscenario, an entry is generated in the table FRE_REF_ART_SITE.The generated entry is selected and evaluated by the delta report (
    FRE02) so that the location product is updated in table
    FRE_DB_ART_SITE (the indicator REL_REF_MODULE is set).
    The location product is relevant because it is used as a replacementproduct for a relevant original product. In this scenario, the programgenerates a change pointer for the message type FRE_SUBST_ASSIGNMENT
    . The generated change pointer is selected and evaluated by the deltareport (FRE02) so that the location product is updated in tableFRE_DB_ART_SITE (the indicator REL_SUBST is set).
    • Whether an existing location product in the table FRE_DB_ART_SITE
    • is still relevant to SAP F&R. If it is no longer relevant, theprogram generates the following changes depending on the type ofrelevance:
      The location product was relevant because of a relevant replenishmenttype. In this scenario, the program generates a change pointer at thelevel of material requirements planning (MRP) type (
      FRE_ART_SITE-DISMM). The generated change pointer is selected andevaluated by the delta report (FRE02) so that an entry for thelocation product is written in table FRE_DB_ART_SITE (theindicator REL_DISMM is removed).
      The location product was relevant because it was assigned as a referenceto a different, relevant location product in the article master. In thisscenario, the indicator REL_REF_MARC in the tableFRE_DB_ART_SITE is removed for the location product.
      The location product was relevant because it was used as a referencemodule for a relevant location product. In this scenario, the indicatorREL_REF_MODULE in the table FRE_DB_ART_SITE is removed forthe location product.
      The location product was relevant because it was used as a replacementproduct for a relevant original product. In this scenario, the indicatorREL_SUBST in the table FRE_DB_ART_SITE is removed for thelocation product.
      • Whether an existing location product in SAP F&R is still F&R
      • relevant in the SAP ERP system. If a location product is no longer F
        R relevant in the sap erp system, the program transfers adeletion indicator directly to the interface table (BIF table) in SAP F
        • Whether all indicators (REL_DISMM, REL_REF_MARC,
          REL_DIF_NO_SITES and REL_SUBST) in the tableFRE_DB_ART_SITE are blank. If they are, the program removes theseentries from the table.
          • Whether an entry exists in the table FRE_DB_SITE for all existing
          • sites in the table FRE_DB_ART_SITE.
            • Whether an entry also exists in the table FRE_DB_ART_SITE for all
            • existing sites in the table FRE_DB_SITE.

              This report must not run in parallel with any of the following reports:

              • FRE_INIT_LOAD in SAP ERP Retail and /FRE/BIF_INB01 in SAP
              • F&R
                • FRE_REINIT_LOAD and /FRE/BIF_INB01 in SAP F&R

                • FRE_DELTA_LOAD and /FRE/BIF_INB01 in SAP F&R

                • FRE_SEND_REFERENCE and /FRE/BIF_INB01

                • RWRF_REF_AUTO_ASSIGNMENT

                • /FRE/FU_REFMOD_REORG
                • Prerequisites

                  • The report has to be scheduled outside the critical job chain, depending
                  • on the available timeframes and system resources.
                    • The report has to be scheduled using the parallel processing option with
                    • a high number of tasks and optimized number of locations per taskdepending on the available system resources.
                      • Blank entries for products are allowed.

                      • Use of wildcard characters to search for location is possible.

                      • Check the total data volume frequently in a one or two-week cycle
                      • (depends on total volume).

                        The report offers several criteria for data selection. It is possible toselect master data at a very granular level, for which the report shouldperform its comparisons. This helps in the reduction of data volume tobe analyzed and thus, the run-time required by the report.

                        • Site: This parameter is used to limit the number of article site
                        • combinations being checked by a site. If left blank, all sites relevantto SAP F&R are considered.
                          • Article: This parameter is used to limit the number of article
                          • site combinations being checked by an article. If nothing is selected,all articles per site relevant to SAP F&R are considered.
                            The parameters Site and Article are used by the report todetermine the location products for which the checks need to be carriedout. The report generates all location product combinations possiblewith the parameters entered. If no selection is made in either of thefields, an error message will be displayed.
                            • RFC-Destination: This parameter is used to display the RFC
                            • destination being used to reach the connected SAP F&R system fordata selection. The content of the parameter is read from the basicsettings for data transfer in Customizing for Forecasting andReplenishment and cannot be modified by the user.

                              The result of the analysis is listed as ALV list. This offers differentpossibilities for further processing the result (for example, downloadinto Microsoft Excel, and so on). The results list is available both ifthe report is run in dialogue mode (ALV-grid is issued) or in backgroundmode (a spool is issued).
                              You can control the output by configuring the following options:

                              • Max Inconsistencies: You can specify the maximum number of
                              • inconsistencies for an output or spool.
                                • Split by Site: Selecting this splits the output or spool not only
                                • with regards to the maximum number of inconsistencies it should contain,but also with regards to the site number. If the report runs in thebackground, the site key is part of the spool title.
                                  • Summary: Selecting this displays an additional screen (dialog
                                  • box) or spool (batch) containing the overall number of records as wellas the number of records per error category.
                                    • Incons. DBART_SITE and Incons. FRE_DB_SITE: Choosing these
                                    • pushbuttons, will display details of the inconsistencies.
                                      • Issue inconsistencies with interface entry: This controls the
                                      • interaction between inconsistencies and change pointers, and BIFinterface entries.
                                        If this selection is left blank, the inconsistencies with a relatedchange pointer/BIF entry will not be displayed in the outputlist.
                                        If this option is set, the inconsistencies will be generated in theoutput list and marked with a special icon. This would indicate thatentries were found for inconsistency between change pointers and/or BIFinterface.
                                        • Job interruption in Batch: Selecting this will set the job status
                                        • to Cancelled in background mode if inconsistencies are foundduring processing.
                                          In case inconsistencies are detected, the output list contains thefollowing fields:
                                          • IICON: Inconsistency icon, for example:

                                          • Missing in FRE_DB_ART_SITE
                                            Deviation between SAP ERP Retail and SAP F&R
                                            • SysIncons: System in which the inconsistency has been detected

                                            • I MLOC: Inconsistency icon for a location product

                                            • S MLOC: System of inconsistency for a location product

                                            • Site: Related site

                                            • Article: Related article

                                            • Action: Action performed (depends on test mode setting)

1314095FRE_REORG_ART_SITE: Checking & reorganizing FRE_DB_ART_SITE