Programme SAP FRE_REINIT_LOAD - Reinital Transfer of Data to SAP F&R

The program for the reinitial data load coordinates the data collectionand data transmission to Forecasting and Replenishment (SAP F&R).The program takes into account only data that already has beentransferred to SAP F&R. That means the program FRE_INIT_LOAD hasto be run beforehand (data must be available in table FRE_DB_ART_SITE).

All the parameters in the first selection area of Data SelectOptions are optional. If there are no entries, all informationrelevant for SAP F&R will be determined and sent to SAP F&R.If there are some entries (for example, a range of plants), then areinitial load will be performed only for those specified plants. Seethe field help (F4 help) for the selection options for plant andmaterial.
The parameters in the second area selection area of Data SelectOptions have the following functions:

  • Send Location data to F&R: Send all location data for the
  • entered location IDs.
    • Send Product data to F&R: Send all product data for the
    • entered product IDs
      • Send Location Product data to F&R: Send all location
      • product data for the entered location and product IDs.
        • Send reference module data to F&R: Send all reference
        • module data for the entered location and product IDs.
          • Send transportation lane data to F&R: Send all
          • transportation lane data for the entered location and product IDs.Before creating the new transportation lanes, the system will delete allexisting transportation lanes in SAP F&R that are relevant, basedon the selection criteria.
            • Send reference module data to F&R: Send all reference
            • module data for the specified article-site combinations as well as theirassignment.
              If you do not choose this option, only the assignments of thearticle-site combination will be sent.
              This option is only available if the Add-On EA-Retail is installed onyour system.
              • Send external Vendor/Distribution Center data to F&R: Send
              • all external vendor and distribution center data for the specifiedexternal vendor and distribution center IDs. There is no transmission oftransportation lane data.
                • Send Layout Modules: Send all layout modules data for the entered
                • location and product IDs. Before creating the new layout modules, thesystem will delete all existing layout modules in SAP F&R that arerelevant, based on the selection criteria.
                  The Access F&R Direct parameter in the TransferSettings selection area determines how the communication from the ERPsystem to SAP F&R is established.
                  Interface data will be transmitted via an RFC connection from SAP ERP toSAP F&R. You must maintain the specified RFC destination inCustomizing for Basic Settings for Data Transfer (IMG menu path:Maintain Basic Settings for Data Transfer).
                  In the Parallel Processing Options selection area, you canmaintain settings when the program is executed.
                  The Parallel Processing checkbox activates Parallel ProcessingMode for the program.
                  The Server Group parameter specifies a group of servers that canbe used for parallel processing.
                  The Max.Parallel parameter specifies the maximum number ofbackground processes within a server group.
                  The Records per Package parameter determines the maximum numberof data records to be sent to the F&R engine in one package.