Programme SAP FRE_OP_PO_KEY_REORG - Deletion of Completed Records From Key Table for Purchase Orders

This program reorganizes table FRE_OP_PO_KEY in which key information onthe order items transferred to SAP F&R and, in some cases, the SAP F&Rorder proposal numbers are saved.
With SAP Note 898932, the logic of deletion of completed records hasbeen changed. Before this note, completed records were deletedimmediately from the table. As of SAP Note 898932 the completed recordsreceive a "completed date". This became necessary as a result ofproblems when resending order proposals from SAP F&R. By means of the"completed date", incoming records from SAP F&R can be checked to see ifthese order proposals have already been created, processed and completedas purchase orders (for details, see SAP Note 898932).
This report deletes records where the completed-date lies before the endof a latency period calculated in days from the current date. Thelatency period can be defined by the user. The user may not set thelatency period to "zero". This guarantees that the functionality forchecking inbound order proposals from SAP F&R is enabled for at leastone day. The default value for the latency period is seven days.
A check can also be made if the order item is still relevant to SAP F&Rat all. This check is only carried out for data records whose "completeddate" has not yet been set. Records that are no longer relevant are alsodeleted.
Since, under certain circumstances, there can be a large number ofrecords whose "completed date" has not yet been set , there is afacility to restrict processing by selection of single or multiplesites, or a range of sites. This way, you can reduce the run time.However, in this case, you must restart the program several times.
The program can be started or scheduled online. In both cases thenumberof deleted records, and any problems with deletion, are output inthe user interface (transaction FRE_UI; interface "OU"). If the programis scheduled for background processing, then the protocol information isalso transferred to the job log. Single record documentation does notoccur.