Programme SAP FRE_LOAD_VKP_DELTA - Transfer of sales prices changes

Transfer of sales prices changes

The standard ALE change pointer technique for sales price changerecording is rather difficult to realize as the following exampleillustrates:
Stores can either use a distribution channel price or define an ownsales price for an article. If the distribution channel price changesnow it will have to be updated for all effected sites of thisdistribution channel. If a change pointer (e.g. on basis of the messagetype COND_A) is generated by a change on the distribution channel priceit cannot be set on status "processed" unless it is processed for allstores.
The correct method to record changes forcing a sales priceredetermination uses therefore the assortment list. This method on theother side is rather complex. The current application areas of the salesprice in F&R does not justify the efford needed to record salesprice changes. Therefore, it will be realized a report for sales pricedelta transmission which will be scheduled on a regularily basis.Basically, the sales price will be determined in new as it is done forthe initial data load, i.e. always for all article site combinationscontained in the index table FRE_DB_ART_SITE. Only a minor data amountreduction logic is integrated which checks changes of the sales of thecurrent time interval If there is no change noticable to the sales pricein database FRE_DB_ART_SITE the current sales price will not be sent toF&R again.


The report for the sales price delta transmission has to be scheduled onan regulary basis. It requires the following input entry options:
1.,,General data select options (article and site) for which a salesprice determination has to be performed. If nothing is entered then forall article/site combination of database FRE_ART_SITE the sales pricechanges will be determined.
2.,,High level filtering?
If this flag is set, the sales price changes will only be determined forthose articles being 'F&R relevant' for the customized sites .
3.,,Definition of time interval in which all sales prices shall bedetermined.
4.,,Definition on which way the sales price for a DC shall be defined.
5.,,General performance settings
6.,,Receiving system id.