Programme SAP FRE_INIT_LOAD - Initial Transfer of Data to SAP F&R

The report for initial data load coordinates the data collection anddata transmission to F&R.


All the parameters of the first selection block 'Data Select Options'are optional. If there are no entries entered all F&R-relevantinformation will be determined and sent to F&R. If there are someentries, e.g. a range of plants only for those given plants an initialdata load will be performed. There will be offered a F4-help for theselect-options 'MRP types' as well as for 'Plant' and 'Material'.However, the selection of plants is not valid for distribution centersbecause per default all vendors and distribution centers will be sent toF&R by the Initial Data Load Report .
The parameters of the first block 'Data select Options' have thefollowing functionalities:
·,,'MRP type': The replenishment type is the main criteria for the F
R-relevance determination of a site, article, site-article andtransportation lane. Furthermore it will be used to assign article/sitepackages onto different F&R-forecasting functionalities. This canbe done using the R/3-replenishment type (MARC-DISMM) which will bemapped then onto the F&R-attribute 'F&R replenishment type',compare the customizing table FRE_DB_FRE_DISMM
·,,'Site': only to the given site id's the initial data load will beexecuted.
·,,'Material': for the entered article id's and to all (entered)location Id's where the article is assigned to an initial data load willbe executed.
If the parameter of the block 'High level filtering over customizedsites' is ticked then only the plants saved in databaseFRE_DB_FRE_WERKS will be considered for the MARC selection
The third selection block 'Definition of sales price determinationinterval' can be used to specify the horizon for which sales prices willbe determined and sent to F&R.
The selection block 'DC sales price determination method' controls thesales price determination method for distribution centers. Via the radiobuttons one can specify the distribution channel due to which the salesprice shall be determined.
The parameters of the last two selection blocks are of a rathertechnical nature. The second last selection blocks 'Initial Data Load'specifies the destination system while the last selection block'Performance Options' controls the data sending process. The
·,,'Package Size for Send. Process' parameter determines the maximumnumber of data records which are sent to the F&R-engine in onepackage.
In case of parallel processing, this parameter specifies also the sizeof the workpackages which will be executed in parallel. Moreover, forparallel processing this parameter should be a multiple of parameter'package size for DB Select', see below. If 'package size for DB Select'is less or equal to 'package size for send. Process', sequentialprocessing is enforced!
For the determination of the F&R relevant article/site ids theparameter coordinates the database read access on MARC the way that itspecifies how many records shall be selected from the database at once.These read access on MARC will be performed (sequentially) as long asall F&R-relevant article/site ids are processed. If parallelprocessing is chosen then this package of article/site ids will be splitup again into workpackages of x ids for which the interface modules canbe executed in parallel (x equals the number specified by the parameter'Package Size for Send Process').
Thus, this parameter influences directly the performance behaviour ofthe report. For example if the parameter is equal to 1 then only onearticle/site id will be determined at each single MARC access andtherefore the parameter 'Package Size for Send. Process' is not relevant. On the other side, if one choses the parameter to high then it mighthave a negative influence on the memory consumption of the report!
·,,'Maximum number of dialog tasks' determines the number of usabledialog processes for the sending process.
·,,'Server group' determines a group of server one can use for parallelprocessing.