Integration You use this report to search for information on purchasingorganizations and purchasing organization assignments and then send thisinformation to SAP F&R. Selection
- The parameter Transfer Purch. Organizations >activates the
transfer of purchasing organizations to SAP F&R.
- The parameter Transfer PurchOrg. Assignments> activates the
transfer of assignments of the purchasing organizations to locations inSAP F&R.
- Packet size is determined by the Customizing table FRE_SEND_OPTION
>if parallel sending is selected. Only data of purchasing organizationassignments to plants (packaging based on plants) is transferred inparallel processes.
- The parameter High-Level Filtering over Customized Plants> selects
plants stored in the Customizing table FRE_DB_FRE_WERKS>.
- The parameter Direct Access to F&R> calls up RFC interfaces
in SAP F&R.
- SAP F&R relevant stores are read from the database table
FRE_DB_SITE> if the filter is selected using the Customizing tableFRE_DB_FRE_WERKS>.