Programme SAP FRE_DIF_NO_SITES_DELTA - Delta Transfer of Number of Supplied Sites as DIF Occurrences

Delta transfer of DIF occurrences on the number of sites delivered by adistribution center.

You must activate the Transfer of DIF Occurrences on Number of Sitesdelivered by a Distribution Center to SAP F&R in Customizing underMaintain Basic Settings for Data Transfer.


  • You set the transfer in the DIF Parameter for Number of Delivered
  • Sites screen area. Define the transfer type using the following radiobuttons:
    Delta Transfer
    Initial Transfer without Deleting DIF Occurrences Available
    Initial Transfer Deleting DIF Occurrences Available
    • The Relevant Time Period parameter defines the time period (in
    • weeks). Enter the date of the last program run for the delta transfer.
      • The Selection Time Period sub screen parameters specify the time
      • interval, for which the system is to evaluate the change pointer. Thesystem evaluates the change pointer for the FRE_DIF_NO_SITES messagetype. If you want to use this function, you must activate WriteChange Pointers for Message Type.
        • The Transfer Settings sub screen defines the target system.

        • The Options for Parallel Processing sub screen controls the
        • transfer of data. The Records per Package parameter specifies thesize of work packages in parallel processing. The parallel processing isthereby executed by using the material.
          If you enter the value 8, the system processes the data for eightmaterials in one parallel process. This normally leads to a largernumber (larger than 8) of material-distribution-center-combinations in one process.
          • The Logon Server Group parameter defines a group of servers that
          • can be used for parallel processing.
            • The Max parallel parameter defines the number of usable dialog
            • processes for the send process.

              For more information about the basic settings for data transfer, see theimplementation guide under: Integration with other SAP Components-> Forecasting and Replenishment -> Maintain Basic Settingsfor Data Transfer.