Programme SAP FRE_CHECK_PO_OP - Analyze Purchase Order / Order Proposal data

As the typical retailer has a tremendous amount of both master data andmaster data changes it is impossible for any user to check consistencyof the data across systems for all data used to depict the businessprocesses.
The checkreport will be able to support error analysis and quickly spotproblems, help remediation but also build trust in a now workingsolution. In addition the customer will be provided with a powerful toolwhich helps him detecting errors due to custom code.

The new report FRE_CHECK_PO_OP checks the order data between SAP ERP andSAP F&R. The report FRE_CHECK_PO_OP will be run at the SAP ERPsystem and required data from SAP F&R will be collected via remotefunction call from SAP F&R side.

The report offers several selection criteria for data selection. It ispossible to select - as granular as possible - the master data for whichthe report should perform its comparisons to help the customer reducethe data volume to be analyzed and therefore the run-time necessitatedby the report.
Processing Mode
The report can be executed in several processing modes. The differentmodes represent some different kinds of the selection and visualizationof the order data and the inconsistencies. The following Processingmodes will be arranged in a radio button group and the selection screenwill change his construction in the block Data Selection depending ofthe chosen processing mode.
Selection with Receiving Site / Article - radio button
Selecting the processing mode Selection with Receiving Site / Articlethe report will select the relevant order items using the receiving siteand the article. Additionally the amount of order items can be reducedby defining an order creation data.
Selection with SAP ERP Purchase Order - radio button
Selecting the processing mode Selection with SAP ERP Purchase Order thereport will select the relevant order items using the SAP ERP purchaseorder number.
Selection with SAP F&R Order Proposal - radio button
Selecting the processing mode Selection with SAP F&R OrderProposal the report will select the relevant order items using the SAP F
R order proposal number.
Processing parameters - Data Selection
The report offers several selection criteria for data selection. It ispossible to select - as granular as possible - the master data for whichthe report should perform its comparisons to help the customer reducethe data volume to be analyzed and therefore the run-time necessitatedby the report.
Receiving Site - select option
The select option Receiving site will be used to limit the amount ofarticle site combination being checked by site. If the select option isempty, all sites relevant for SAP F&R will be considered.
The select options Receiving site will only be shown if the processingmethod Selection with Receiving Site / Article is chosen in the blockProcessing method.
Article - select option
The select option Article will be used to limit the amount of articlesite combination being checked by article. If the select option isempty, all articles per site relevant for F&R will be considered.
The select options Article will only be shown if the processing methodSelection with Receiving Site / Article is chosen in the blockProcessing method.
The parameters Receiving site and Article will be used by the reportto determine the location products for which the checks need to becarried out. The report is going to build any location productcombination possible with the parameters entered. If no selection ismade in any of the both fields an error message will be raised.
Order Document created on - select option
The select option Order Document created on can be used to limit thefound order items using the document creation date. Only order itemsreferring to the chosen date selection will be regarded during theprocessing.
The select options Order Document created on will only be shown if theprocessing method Selection with Receiving Site / Article is chosen inthe block Processing method.
Subitem Category - select option
The select option Subitem category can be used to control the selectionof the open purchase order items in SAP ERP. Occasionally it isnecessary to exclude a subitem category from processing. In that caseyou can define the corresponding subitem categories in this selectoption. By default the subitem category 9 - Pre-Packing (SLS Items) - isexcluded from processing. The value 9 is not needed to be defined inthis select option.
Purchasing document - select option
The select option Purchasing document will be used to limit the amountof order items being checked by the purchase document number. The selectoption will be restricted that only a selection can be performed with acomplete purchase order number without exclusion.
The select option Purchasing document will only be shown if theprocessing method Selection with SAP ERP Purchase Order is chosen in theblock Processing method.
Order Proposal Document - select option
The select option Order Proposal Document will be used to limit theamount of order itemd being checked by the order proposal documentnumber. The select option will be restricted that only a selection canbe performed with a complete order proposal document number withoutexclusion.
RFC-Destination - parameter
The parameter RFC-Destination will be used to show the user the used RFCdestination to reach the connected SAP F&R system for dataselection. The content of the parameter will be read from the maincustomizing of SAP F&R and can not be modified by the user.
Additional checks
Read active location product combinations from SAP F&R
The user is able to consider location product combinations existing inSAP F&R, but not relevant in SAP ERP. If an order proposal itemexists to a location product combination not relevant in SAP ERP aninconsistency will be shown by the report.
Consider Site Filter - checkbox
The user is able to consider only those sites registered in the filterHigh Level Filter for Sites in the customizing if the High Level Filterfor Sites is activated in the customizing Maintain Basic Settings forData Transfer field Plant Filter. Otherwise the filter High Level Filterfor Sites will not be considered during the processing.
Consider change pointers - checkbox
The user is able to consider entries in the change pointer tableFRE_PO_POINTER for purchase order documents. In case a relevant changepointer for a purchase order item is found, the order item will beremoved from the list of inconsistencies or marked with a special icon(see Issue inconsistencies with change pointer/interface entry), becauseit is possible to assume that the change pointer will eliminate theinconsistency.
Consider SAP ERP interface tables - checkbox
The user is able to consider the interface buffer table entries for theorder proposal inbound and outbound interfaces in SAP ERP. In case arelevant BIF-entry for a order proposal item is found, the order itemwill be removed from the list of inconsistencies or marked with aspecial icon (see Issue inconsistencies with change pointer/interfaceentry), because it is possible to assume that the BIF-entry of the orderitem will eliminate the inconsistency.
Consider SAP F&R interface tables - checkbox
The user is able to consider the F&R-interface/buffer tableentries in SAP F&R. In case a relevant BIF-entry for a order itemis found, the order item will be removed from the list ofinconsistencies or marked with a special icon (see Issue inconsistencieswith change pointer/interface entry), because it is possible to assumethat the BIF-entry of the order item will eliminate the inconsistency.
Output control
Whenever the report is started in background, resulting inconsistencieswill automatically be written to the spool. This does not need specificactivation by the user.
Maximum number of inconsistencies - parameter
The user can enter the number of inconsistencies per output/spool. Indialogue mode the maximum number cannot exceed 10.000 inconsistenciesdue to limitation of the used grid control for displaying. In backrounda split will be done if the number of inconsistencies exceeds thethreshold value for the collected sites until that time.
Split by site - checkbox
If checked, an output/spool split will be performed not only in regardsto the maximum number of inconsistencies it should contain, but also inregards to the site id. If the report runs in background the site idwill be part of the spool title.
Summary - checkbox
If checked the report will issue an additional screen (dialogue) orspool (batch) containing the overall number of records as well as thenumber of records per error category.
Issue inconsistencies with change pointer/interface entry - checkbox

This checkbox allows the user to choose whether - if considering changepointers or BIF table entries - he would just want the inconsistenciesnot to be issued, or if he would prefer the inconsistencies issued butmarked with an icon which would indicate that for the inconsistency incase change pointers or interface entries have been found.
Job interruption in batch - checkbox
If checked and the check report issues inconsistencies, the job will beassigned status Canceled. This way, in SM37 the user will be able tospot the reports at a glance which actually reported inconsistenciesamongst all the ones which reported consistent data.
Performance settings
The report offers the ability to run in parallel tasks both for dialogueand background. The parallelization will be executed on two differentlevels.
The first level is the actual function being processed in the processingchain. The several functions (Read data from SAP ERP, read data from SAPF&R, compare data #) will be built in its own function modules.Following this way more than one operation can be done at the same time.The global control routine has to verify the right sequence of thefunctions have to be called.
The second level of parallelization is the amount of article sitecombination executed per process. During the processing chain thevarious functions will be processed more than once. Each process willexecute an exactly defined amount of article site combinations.
For this purpose the usual parallelization settings will be offered.
Article/Site per Package - parameter
The number of article site combination processed in a separate task hasto be set in this field.
Parallel processing - checkbox
This checkbox controls the way execution will be done. Parallelprocessing will be used if the checkbox will be marked, otherwise onlythe main process will be used to determine the inconsistencies of orderitems.
Logon/server group - parameter
Server groups were used internally in background jobs and tasks todistribute the load.
Maximum parallel tasks - parameter
The parameter defines the maximum number of simultaneous existingparallel tasks during program execution.
Exclude fields from comparison (Register Exclude Fields)
The program offers the possibility to control which fields will beexcluded from the comparison. This will allow you to exclude fields ofwhich you know that they would lead to permanent displayedinconsistencies. This is possible if the systems contain modificationsnot considered by the check report. Normally these adjustments can beconsidered in the BAdIs.

A standard variant can be created and saved as 'DEFAULT'. A userspecific variant can be save with the user id. The user specific orstandard variant will be loaded automatically with the call of theselection screen in dialog mode (F8).

In dialog mode the found inconsistencies will be shown in ALV grids.Regarding the chosen output options various ALV grids can be displayed.Use the button area to move between the different ALV grids.
In background mode the data will be transferred automatically to an ownspool in the count of the number of ALV grids in dialog mode.

1267165FRE_CHECK_PO_OP - Analysis of POs and order proposals