Programme SAP FPIA_MASS_UPD - Interest on arrears: Mass maintenance

You use this report to display and modify information regarding delay(DGP) and interest onarrears(IM) for any documents that are relevant for IoA processingsuch as invoices, down payment requests and credit notes.
Using this report, you can:

  • Select the invoice documents that you want to maintain or for which you
  • want to view information using various selection criteria.
    • Insert new information or copy field content between documents.
    • Integration
      This report provides access to all acounting documents relevant for DGPor IoA processing. These documents include:

      • Vendor invoices from logistics invoice verification

      • Credit notes from invoice verification

      • Retention documents from invoice verification

      • Down payment requests

      • Financial invoice postings

      • Financial credit notes postings.

      • Data maintained in this report is used in specific delay reports and forinterest on arrears calculation and reporting.
        The data that you maintain using this report is not used for duedata evaluations for the FI payment program.
        You can use this report to maintain data in accordance with yourbusiness needs. However, it is not mandatory that you maintain datausing this report and the use of this report is not a prerequisite forthe use of further SAP processes.

        In addition to the standard Customizing settings required for interestcalculation in Financial Accounting(FI), you have defined theactions in Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) underAccounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions ->Interest Calculation -> Additional Functions -> Interest on Arrears ->Define Actions for Mass Update.
        In the standard system, the following actions are available:

        • Clear

        • Fill Today's Date

        • Paste Line/s

        • Paste Value/s

        • The actions that you can perform are determined by the role you areassigned to.

          This report is based on an ALV grid. Thus, it allows you to defineindividual layouts by choosing the data columns you want to display andthe order in which the columns to be displayed.
          In change mode, the central features are four topic-specific actions:

          • Insert the current date into the date fields of one or more invoice
          • documents.
            This is helpful if document processing is executed in batches when youwant to use the current date as a time stamp.
            • Copy the information from one invoice document to one or more invoice
            • documents.
              • Copy individual cell content from one cell to many other cells.

              • Clear the content of individual cells, rows, or columns of data.

              • Not all lines in the display can be maintained in the same way. Thesystem uses two fields in each line item to determine themaintainability and maintenance rules of that item.
                The maintainability is controlled by the Interest Document Exists indicator. It is based on the business requirement that once aninterest document has been created for an invoice, no further changes tothe IM data must be allowed. In such a case, the indicator is markedwith an #X# and the line item can only be displayed. In a similarfashion, the interest calculation may determine that an item was paid ontime and thus, no interest needs to be applied. Such cases are markedwith an #N#. Two more cases are also recorded with this indicator; whenan interest document has been created but then deleted by user decision,a #D# marks those items. And when an error occurred during interestcalculation # for example, the interest rate could not be determined, orthe item did not provide a baseline date for calculation # mark #E# isused.
                Maintenance rules govern the detail relation among relevant documentsand also can lead to blocked lines which are only displayed, or whichare maintained via another item. This is indicated in the line type
                of adocument. The rules are as follows:
                • Blank

                • Line type blank indicates an invoice. The DGP/IM data for an invoice canbe maintained directly, but only in the upper table view. If otherdependent documents exist # these are shown in the lower table view whenthey are opened # the maintained values for the invoice are copied tothe dependent documents. As long as at least one of the dependentdocuments allows data maintenance based on the Interest DocumentExists indicator, values can be maintained for this line type.
                  • RT

                  • Line type #RT# indicates the retention part of a retention document.Typically, DGP/IM values for retention are different from the relatedinvoice and thus allowed to be maintained separately. No data is copiedto retention from invoice maintenance in mass update. Retentionmaintenance is only possible in the lower table view, and is dependenton the status of the Interest Document Exists indicator.
                    • CN

                    • Line type #CN# indicates a credit note. From a business point of view,credit notes share the DGP/IM information with the referenced invoiceand can therefore not be maintained independently in the mass update. Ifthe invoice information is changed, the credit note information isautomatically updated as well. Thus credit note data is always blockedfor entry in both upper and lower table views. For technical reasons,credit notes have their own Interest Document Exists indicator.
                      • DR

                      • Line type #DR# indicates a down payment request. These are independentfrom other documents and can be maintained in the upper table view aslong as the Interest Document Exists indicator allows this.
                        • DC

                        • Line type #DC# indicates a down payment clearing document. Down paymentclearings are specific types of credit notes and are therefore treatedin a similar way to credit notes. The mass maintenance transactionalways starts in the display mode, and only checks displayauthorizations. Once you switch to the change mode, changeauthorizations are verified. If, based on the checks, you are notauthorized to change a document, the line that displays this documentremains in the display mode.

                          Via the selection screen of the report, you can control which data isretrieved for display or maintenance. The most relevant selectioncriteria are:

                          • Business Area

                          • The system selects all DGP/IM relevant documents which match thebusiness area values you entered. As the report always starts in displaymode, the system checks that for every document selected, you areauthorized to view documents of this business area.
                            By default, the system leaves this field empty. You need to enter avalue each time you start the transaction. SAP recommends that youdefine a variant with your personal selection criteria.
                            • Interest Document Exists

                            • The system records the status of a document with regard to DGP/IMprocessing. You can use this status information to select the relevantdocuments.
                              If you leave this field empty, all documents are selected where noprocessing of IM has taken place yet. The system selects all the caseswhere FI documents have been posted for MM documents as well as MMdocuments still in the approval process without any follow-on FIdocument.
                              If you enter X in this field, the system selects the documentsfor which an interest document has already been created.
                              If you enter N in this field, the system selects the documentswhich are paid on time and no interest is due.
                              If you enter D in this field, the system selects the documentsfor which an interest document has been created and subsequentlydeleted.
                              If you enter E in this field, the system selects the documentswhere an error in interest calculation occurred. For such documents, nointerest document exists.
                              You can further restrict the selected items by specifying more selectioncriteria.

                              No standard variants are available.

                              In display mode, the system displays the selected data, which you canprint on demand using the standard SAP List Viewer (ALV) options.
                              In change mode, the system saves the changed data and creates changerecords so that you can track each field change.
                              Changes are only possible in upper overview table, except Retentions(RT). All changes in the upper overview table will be transferred in thelower detail table automatically. Retentions are an exception. For thesedocuments, you can maintain baseline date and payment terms in the lowerdetail table.

                              To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen, chooseAccounting -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Payable -> PeriodicProcessing -> Interest Calculation -> Additional Functions -> Intereston Arrears -> Update Data - Mass Changes (transactionFPIA_MASS_UPD).
                              You can carry out the following activities in the ALV list. Note that

                              • All actions are only available in change mode, and

                              • Rows, columns, and fields that are marked gray in change mode (this can
                              • depend on the field status in Customizing and/or a BAdI, or a fixedsystem setting, your authorizations or the document status as explainedabove) can only be displayed and you cannot change them.

                                Fill today's date
                                RESET N1
                                In the upper overview table, mark any combination of rows, columns, andcells.
                                The lower detail table is not supported.
                                Choose the Fill Today's Date pushbutton.
                                The current date is inserted in the marked date fields.
                                Filled date fields are not changed; no message is generated.
                                The system does not change fields that do not contain date information(non-date fields such as the interest indicator field), and a message isgenerated if you marked any non-date fields.
                                The values in the lower detail table are also adjusted.
                                If you marked an invalid field (that is, no field or only a field in thelower detail table or a non-date field), an error message is generated.

                                RESET N1
                                Mark any combination of rows, columns and cells in the upper overviewtable.
                                The lower detail table is not supported.
                                If you marked cells, rows, or columns for other reasons, for example,you marked a row to view the detail screen for the correspondingdocument, these cells, rows, or columns are still marked and are alsocleared (because you can mark additional cells, rows, or columns).
                                Choose the Clear pushbutton.
                                The content of changeable fields is cleared. Depending on the fieldtype, this results in an empty field or a zero is entered in the field.
                                If all fields are already empty, the system cannot clear the fields.However, no message is generated.
                                The values in the lower table are also adjusted.
                                If no valid fields are marked for clearing (that is, no field or onlyfields in the lower detail table or fields marked gray), an errormessage is generated.
                                If a row is marked, the clear action clears all values in that row whichcan be changed, no matter whether they are displayed or hidden using thelayout options. This means that if you hide a column, mark a row, andclear the fields in the row, the value in the hidden column is alsocleared.

                                Copy individual cell values
                                RESET N1
                                In the upper overview table, mark a single cell.
                                The lower detail table is not supported.
                                If you mark more than one cell, only the upper and leftmost cell will beselected. You cannot use this action for entire rows or columns.
                                Choose the Copy pushbutton.
                                Mark one or more cells in the same column and choose the Pasteselected values pushbutton.
                                The source cell value is entered into the marked target cells.
                                Filled fields are not changed; no message is generated.
                                Fields in other columns are not changed, regardless of their field type,and a message is generated.
                                The values in the lower table are also adjusted.
                                If no valid fields are marked (that is, no field in the same column, acomplete other row, a complete other column, or only fields in the lowerdetail table), an error message is generated.

                                Copy entire lines
                                RESET N1
                                In the upper overview table, mark a single row.
                                The lower detail table is not supported.
                                If you mark more than one row, only the upper row is selected. Columnsand cells are not valid.
                                Choose the Copy pushbutton
                                Mark one or more rows and choose the Paste line/s pushbutton.
                                The source row value is inserted into the marked target row/s.
                                Filled fields are not changed; no message is generated.
                                The values in the lower table are also adjusted.
                                If no valid row is marked (that is, no row in the upper overview tableor a gray row), an error message is generated.
                                The copy lines action copies all values in a line that can be changed,no matter whether they are displayed or hidden using the layout options.This means that if you hide a column, mark a row, and copy it to anotherrow, the value in the hidden column is also copied.
                                If the target field is empty, a new value is inserted. If the targetfield is already filled, the value is not overwritten.