Programme SAP FM_LGD_BANKUMSATZ_SUCHEN - Search for Bank Turnover

Search help program for bank turnover of the electronic accountstatement.

You can use this program to determine bank turnover of electronicaccount statements.

The clearing control is used.


You can enter the house bank on the selection screen. This is anoptional entry that may reduce the selection time.
You can limit the bank turnover to be determined by using differentfeatures or the technical key.
You must limit the search by using one of these criterium.

The search help program delivers an SAP list viewer with bank turnover.
You can go to the account statement printout from the display of theindividual bank turnover by double-clicking on the magnifying glass
. By double-clicking on fields Amount, Currency, orBatch Input Session Abbreviation you can branch to thecorresponding payment documents.
You can branch to the corresponding FI documents by clicking on thedocument number. You can also go to individual item display ofthe corresponding FI account by clicking on fields Customer,Vendor or General Ledger.