Programme SAP FKK_XPRA_POST_AREA_0150_0160 - Conversion of Posting Areas 0150 and 0160

trados = docu -> fi -> fica

The report converts posting areas 0150 and 0160, which are used in thecash journal, according to the new definition of the key fields.

You can test the conversion in simulation mode before actuallyconverting posting areas 0150 and 0160.

You can only restart the conversion of posting areas 0150 and 0160 ifall entries in these posting areas that refer to the branch areconsistent. This means that the relevant branch also exists in themaster data table DFKKCJM.
Before you can start the conversion of posting areas 0150 and 0160, youhave to check whether the entries are consistent with regard to masterdata.