Programme SAP FILA_WRITE_DOWN - Adjust Residual Value

You can use this report to adjust the residual value in the LeaseAccounting Engine (LAE) at the end of the lease term and during thelease term. If you adjust the residual value during the lease term, youcan write the new residual value off over the remaining lease term.
You can undo adjustments already made to a residual value in a separatetransaction.
This report is intended only to reduce the residual value; you cannotincrease the residual value.

To adjust and write off a residual value, you use the followingfunctions:

  • Lease Accounting Engine (LAE)

  • Asset Accounting (FI-AA)

  • Postprocessing Office (PPO) - used to create the processing log and
  • handle errors
    • Reset Adjustment of Residual Value
    • (transaction: FILA_WRITE_DOWN_UNDO)


      • You have activated the relevant contracts and these do not contain
      • errors.
        • In Customizing, you have made the following settings:

        • Assign Value IDs for Determining Residual Value

          Fill New Residual Values in Conditions

          The report consists of a selection screen, a results display in the formof an ALV grid, and the Postprocessing Office (PPO), which is used toanalyze and handle errors.
          Depending on the classification of the lease, you can either adjust theresidual value of a financing during the lease (capital leases), oradjust the residual value in Asset Accounting (FI-AA) (operatingleases).
          To adjust the residual value, you enter either an absolute amount or apercentage of the residual value. To post a new residual value for afinancing, you enter a posting date. In contrast, in Asset Accountingthe system adjusts the residual value on the current date.

          The system uses at least one of the following selection criteria to findthe relevant contract items:

          • Company code

          • Sales organization

          • Material

          • Product ID

          • Contract number

          • Unique Item Identifier (UIID)

          • Asset class

          • Process
          • Output
            The report creates a posting process in the LAE. The LAE executes thisprocess according to the settings made in Customizing. In AssetAccounting (FI-AA) the system adjusts the residual value to an asset.


            • Adjust Residual Value: To call this report, execute transaction
            • FILA_WRITE_DOWN.
              • Undo Adjustment of Residual Value: Execute transaction
              • FILA_WRITE_DOWN_UNDO. By entering the company code and date ofadjustment, you can display all the residual values adjusted on thisdate (in an ALV grid). You can then either select and undo individualadjustments or undo all the adjustments.