Programme SAP FILA_RE_POSTING - Repost Customer/Vendor G/L Accounts

This report enables you to perform periodic reposting.
The accounts that will be credited are defined inCustomizing for the Refinancing Program. Thesystem identifies all open items in the defined accounts and checkswhether the contract numbers in these accounts are valid. Only postingsfor contracts that have been refinanced as part of the selectedrefinancing program will be reposted. The corresponding postings (debitsto customer accounts/credits to vendor accounts) are created.
The postings are performed according to the control indicators definedin Customizing. The system selects the relevant postings in the clearingaccounts. Note that net values are used exclusively. The reportdetermines which taxes are valid (if any) and carries out line itempostings to the corresponding subledger or tax accounts.

After this report run, you have to run program SAPF124 to clearthe individual items for the G/L accounts.

Because the Lease Accounting Engine (LAE) only posts to G/L accountswithout taxes, this report performs the repostings to subledger accountsincluding tax postings. The report requires the postings of the accrualsand the one-time postings that the LAE will carry out.